You know i've heard so many tales, and stories about hearts. The one i most enjoyed was the one in Kingdom Hearts, but its not the best one there is. Though i wish it were so.
I've heard words whisper about lonely hearts, ones that gave in to dispair and sorrow. Hearts that no longer wish to beat, and flow along with the great river of life.
I've heard of wars, and days of hearts swelling with rage, destruction, and even vengence. Hearts that have been corrupted by primal urges, unsatisfied until they gain anothers heart in the form of their death and pain, along with suffering.
I've heard frightened whispers of hearts tainted by darkness, swimming with a motionless existence that makes so many question the existence of their hearts within. Those who are considered heartless, emotionless and dead to all that feel.
There are grand tales and stories of those hearts who sing brave, courageous, true, worthy of respect and honor. These great heroes are immortal, for the simple fact they chose a path so well becoming of a heart wielder that we honor them all. Sacrifice is common in these tales, yet it is revered by us all.
Many tales of hearts have i beheld in books, movies, and even within songs. However the one story that i shall remember out of them all is the story, of the Crystal Heart.
If you don't know what it is, thats fine. I'd rather you not know it. Thanks for reading today's journal from my bottomless phantom of a mind.
this is Yuffie OUT!!! ~Ja Ne! ^_- smile
Yuffie Yamamoto · Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 03:23am · 0 Comments |