This is gonna be a really boring jus gona describe the events that heppened in 2days boring day. Zero period was torture as usual, but the game in pe was actualy fun cuz we got to grab other ppls flags and it was better than volleyball -_-" today went by realy fast - early out day, and after i went 2 starbux wit my friend! =D I guess it wuz actualy a preety good day. Plus, i earned 200g rte now! Way beter day than yesterday, actualy. itz funy how my best always hapen when im the most pesemistic, and i onyl realize rite b4 i got 2 bed that day. mab i shud b pesemistic more often lol! i met this guy from my math class @ starbux today, and he said hai 2 me. It wuz randomly nice, i guess. SO.....more bout the dramas of my life. my bbf totaly is turning weird, not hanging out with me, not watching anime, being picky about clothes and critisizing mine, handing out with the most wannabeish ppls and preety much all that sort of stuff. i mean shes like my bff and i totaly luv her but now im pissed! man.....the stress of school! not to mention that im usualy an A student and I'm FAILING history. I got a c on my math quiz 2day. It was crap. To ad even more crap, IM FAILING HISTORY. and 2 add EVEN MORE CRAP, IM FAILING HISTORY! yep. 3 times now ive said that. u get the point.
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