I have no idea what's going on anymore. Is it strange to know you would be happy with someone yet you just can't be with them because of an age difference? He's younger than me, less mature, but he has the capability of being an amazing boyfriend. He has liked me for the past year now, and he knows it's not going to go any further than friends. I wish this was different. I wish he was older. But we are no where near a level playing field. I personally have come to the conclusion that in a relationship, things must be equal. This means emotionally and maturity; things must be even for it to work. I'm not saying that I'm too good for him, it's just, we aren't good for each other, for now anyways. Maybe in a few years, if there were to be a chance, I might take it. Is it odd to see these things?
StormFaery · Tue Nov 06, 2007 @ 11:36am · 1 Comments |