no this is not a ******** lyric but i'm just pissed at the moment seriously why do people have to be ******** retards at times i wake up in the morning and get this horrible message which just fukn recked my day I'm pissed because my lovers account got hacked seriously... she worked hard for her smexy avatar and her posts she even had awesome RP threads and some random loser comes by, hacks her and changes her password. how greedy is that and its her birthday next monday and thats what she gets I wish I could come and give her a hug and comfort her but too bad we cant travel through the net
Hackers need to be boiled in hot water and than thrown in the Antarctic ocean so the Yeti's could come by and pull their fukn guts out and chew on there inners
Golden_Harajuku · Thu Nov 08, 2007 @ 08:07pm · 1 Comments |