Yeah yeah.. I know what you're thinking.. UPDATE MORE DAMMIT!! Well give me a break will ya?! I'm like way too lazy to update this journal!!! ... stare
Any who... Let me know what your favorite song is on my playlist. Oh btw, if you want me to add a song to it.. please tell me the name of the song and who the artist is. (Trust me.. the more specific you are the happier I am. Not to mention it makes it a lot easier too.. But don't kill me if I can't find it). *ahem*.. Arigato-Gozaimasu!!! whee
Oh.. It's like 1:32 AM right now and I'm getting like really tired. sweatdrop
P.S. I WANT YOU TO COMMENT THIS JOURNAL ENTRY OR DIE! XD (j/k on the dieing part)... yeah... Peace. cool
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Let's see what's on Kai's mind.
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Rosy Dawn
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ilu Kyle
Am I or Rina going to still die??