i dont know if youve ever realized it but smarties have different flavors for each color that you eat. thou they are delicious and un-nutritious eaten together i still like to take the whole roll apart and seperate the colors and eat them seperately cool , but the best ones are the white ones ^^
but thats not the only thing i realized today, i also realized that id found someone special, and allthough i didnt see it at first ive really grown to like that person more and more, and even though she isnt 6'5 and has double d's, and like a supertoned bod (srsly thou im not a big breastkind of guy, im like ewe big lumps of fat, allthough im still hypmotized by them, specially with the clothes of now a days @_@), but she is better than those girls, she's smart, she's cute, n beautifull, she's spoiled a little, and she is strong, prolly stronger than a lot of guys, and yet she is very weak physically rolleyes , and she's uber nice, even though i deny it a bit just to make her make that cute pouty face XD, and she has the biggest most beautifull shiny blue eyes heart , and she likes hunting n fishing (though she doesnt like fish) and she has morals and takes care of her family, srsly she is like amazing no?, she has had a bit of a difficult past, with her parents n stuff, but she is like stuborn like a guy and gets over it pretty quickly, like unlike most girls she's all like well thats the past, cant change it now (hopefully she's not bottling that stuff in @_@)
but yea, if you cant tell already that i totaly love her then you ned to re-read that er get glasses or something>_>
but the funny part is that i didnt really like her that much at first, but the more im with her the more i do, she's like this feel good atached to me virus which eats away at my non-commiting self, n makes me srsly think, could this be the right girl for me, and like i srsly can see myself with her in the future (though this thought scares me, and its strange and almost sureal to think of. The funny part is that if most people read this they'd prolly be scared away from me, but i think if she saw this then she'd proly get excited, but i really dont plan to move that fast, specially since im only 17 and she's only 16, and we erally have a whole lot of future ahead of us, but it never hurts to plan ahead no?, I think im gunna wait untill im at least like 19 or 20 to get married, even if its (sadly) not her, though i hope it is>?
but that way (hopefully) i can aford it (srsly), oh and she loves big rings, lol, so im prolly gunna ger her like a big hudge white gold w/ like some diamonds n an opal or something for a wed ring (i think though that im putting to much thought into this ~_~, but yea dramallama
but before i leave you all id like all you guys (male carbon based life forms) to know that if you erally want to find the perfect girl for you, first (before you date her) get to know her, and find otu what she likes and what types of things she wants, srsly itll save you a lot of trouble in a relatioship, and what a girl wants more than anything, is a guy that not only will be there for her, but a guy that cares about her and will protect her, srsly if you want to score points with a girl, protect her, listen to her problems , her dreams and her stories, and care about her, like she is a brother or a sister, and if you can offer to help her with them, and dont hurt her, and be careful with her, and dont take out your adgressions with her, talk about stuff, and most of all, dont make your relationship sex orriented, srsly a girls body is part of a relationship in a way, but dont make that the focus of the relatioship, make it about living together as one and respecting eachother as one body, and most importantly save it till you know that you want to have kids with this person, cause if you have kids early chances are that its not gunna work out, and its a turn off for many girls, and if i ever find out that you ever rape or do anything bad to a girl, then i personaly will beat the s**t of of you with out hardly any bit of hesitation, and then ill proceed to have you assraped by eathier a sexy dominatrix friend of mine, or some gay male prostitute ^^
but yea, just a few things to give you a lil boost in the world, specially since good girls are hard to find (but srsly be a good guy and theyll appear so fast ninja (take my word on this one)
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