Fortune, in this word their are many different views of what it holds. few call it forth in the realm of wealth. counting their money and the gold. their gems and precious things. others count it in there lands, the many acres and houses that reside on them. the fine workmanship and the craftiness of their eyes deceiving art. that another man created. the millions of corridors and passages leading them to an fro between the house. room and closets. paintings and windows become a thing of the past as the holograms and hidden routes become so inter twined that not a single soul is left standing alone. where the man sits back and looks and can watch his dream unfold before him. where the sick and deseed are watching with their twisted sighs and hopes becoming a reality. and a few though not so pertinent in these days count their fortunes in the heads in their house hold. family? You ask... no no not the family the workers. The few to the hundreds slaving and breaking their backs to keep the one or few happy and in perfect health so their lives are not forfeit in the master’s demise. with these forms of fortune their is little to no limit as to how to obtain these riches. weather it be war, pillaging, simple blunt theft, or the slight of hand. others drive and sore them selves knowing what they do and have no to little qualms about their lives or where they are headed. the sick and deathly would sell their sols to obtain their last whishes. and in the deals with the devil the few see the trickery an back out when they are offered. but the rest of the fools are ether to proud and haughty or to blind by their desires to see just how folly the plot is. for a their desires become a reality and they begin to think 'hey his was worth it,' or ' ok I am satisfied, its tie to let it end.' that is when he makes his move. at first the ties are undeletable. and the hell begins. the joys become hells and discussing to the one. Further the feelings begin to drive the man into servitude. slowly the man will power fails and he grovels back to the man looking into his eye beaten and weak. the perfect specimen just waiting for the world to end. and the new offer comes forth . and to the few it looks a bit testy but then they look back and remember the hells and trials that best them in their dreams. and still they protest that they will be able to keep their lives straight in the new format. just as before the man works and then he look watches and sees the face of his new master. a man with a devils grin and the fire of hell at his command.
morti_cacciatore · Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 02:57am · 0 Comments |