Just a place to store my banners between signatures...
My Signature Banner:

Freaksword's Version of My Banner:

Other Banners:

Quote: 99.98% of the Gaian population does not use proper English. If you are one of the 0.02% who does, copy and paste this into your signature.
Quote: Dreams are beautiful, wonderful, fragile things. For those who beleive, they can be more real then waking life. It is a crime that they are ever ended by anything less gentle than a lover's kiss.
Quote: If you would walk 60 miles to see some one you love for 5 minutes, copy and paste this in your sig.
Quote: Over 60% of Gaians do things the Red Mage way. If you're one of them, paste this into your signature.
Quote: I collect Kitsune Masks...please help me to own as many as I can.
Kefke_Wren · Wed Jul 06, 2005 @ 06:41am · 8 Comments |