Hello! My name is Storm. I am a fairy exchange student if you will. Basically it's my purpose to inform all you sad humans how the Kingdom of Fey works. This journal will be filled with the history and court life that I have come to learn. Know that I am not doing this by choice. As the youngest Princess of the Norhtern Water Kingdom it's sort of my duty. I don't mind it though. At least I get away from the pressures of Court life. Soon, I will be starting the Great Trial. The Trial is used to determine the new King and Queen of the Northern Water Kingdom. It's a long and complicated process but that's because the new King and Queen are then in the running for King and Queen of the Northern Kingdom and then on to ruling the Kingdom in its entirety. I'll explain more of this in later entries.
Just know that I'm not your typical fairy princess. I'm a rebel. My parents are worried that my lack of interest of the norms of the Fey might wound my chances of becoming Queen. But no one asked me if I wanted to become Queen, they all assumed it.
StormFaery · Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 02:07pm · 0 Comments |