1. What do you see when you are looking out of the window closest to you? The street, a couple of businesses and houses, the ocean, sunshine, a person walking down the sidewalk, cars driving by, cars parked and the overhang.
2. Who was the last person coming into your room? Me, actually.
3. What is the most predominant colour around you? The walls are white, but the furniture is brown and the carpet is gray. Probably white, but I think that the brown wins out in the end.
4. What is right behind you? Stuff. Piles of stuff. And someone playing Guitar Hero III
5. What is on today's calendar sheet? Nothing =( However the picture this month is Princess Aurora! Surprisingly I don't have a Star Wars calender. They've been going down hill and this is the year I put my foot down and didn't buy one. I feel slightly bad. Hopefully they'll have more than the one style next year.