
All right, where to begin with these, because while they all flowed together, a lot of them were separate dreams.
I was trying to find someone's room, possibly David's (David from York with the curly blonde hair) and I was taking one of those weird a** elevators that went sideways and otherways that I always get in my dreams. I felt I'd been to this building before.
I also remember I was going on an elevator and needed the 11th floor. There were two elevators - one of them took you to like, 3, 6, 10, and 11, and the other one took you to the other ones. I got on the one that I needed to go to 11, and there was a girl there. The elevator did its crazy sideways up and down whatever thing, and I got off at 11. I asked her where she was going. She said the top floor, 12. I told her she needed the other elevator and she said 'oh no, this one goes there eventually.' I shrugged and continued on to David's room.
I went with a few other people once I collected David to go outside, and we found this girl with light aqua hair (like the elemental wind on gaia). She tagged along with us, and she'd had some hard time, and we had to bring her back to David's. Actually when we'd gone to this place, the elevator we were on acted like a spaceship and took us through the galaxy. The drivers and operators said nothing of the sort, that it never happened. We played along so they wouldn't like, wipe our minds.
So we're with this girl, and I remember some crazy a** squirrel thing that bit me that we had to throw at this evil guy to knock him down. That saved the girl or something. Whatever, he was evil, and we needed his crazy rodent to destroy him because we couldn't. The three of us (the other people were gone, it was some guy I think, myself, and the girl) went to go on the elevator/moving thing back to David's apartment, 811 or something, and then the girl had turned into a guy who looked like Desire from McDonald's. We were like, yeah, you've changed, I wonder what you really are, and he was like, woah.
We strapped in, went through space and time, and the people told us again that it wasn't real, we were imagining it, blah blah blah. We got back off the crazy elevator thing and got on the stairwell. We're walking down the stairs and realize the numbers are going up. The girl who had turned into the Desire lookalike turned into a 17 year old Chinese cute boy, who was starting to get a little weirded out by these changes. I asked if maybe we had been dropped off upside down, and that's why the numbers were going up. Turns out we were on the wrong side of the building, so we needed another elevator to bring us where we needed to go.
Then I was moving into a dorm for the first time, with a whole bunch of other people. It was odd though, it wasn't set up like a normal room, and there were a number of people sharing the same space, and for some reason when I went to brush my teeth with a cup of water that wasn't mine, it tasted weird, like flat perrier water, which is gross. I realized someone had put in a tablet to make the drinking water safe. Fair enough.
Then something happened where a bunch of us were closing all the curtains to prepare for a revolution and we were going to kill a lot of people/beings. One of the guys was interested in avenging one of the girls in our group, who'd been raped by two lizard-like creatures (they had names, I forget them), one was red and one was blue. The captain of the evil we were going to fight was a turquoise dragon, and we were going to plan to kill him too. We had to close the curtains so we could prepare to fight, and so they couldn't see us. Apparently we'd done some other things too.
And then I was making christmas loot bags for children, putting specific candies in each one. I ended up having too many in one bag at the end, so I had to divide it out. I remember there were candy canes, as well as this chocolate chewy thing I nabbed for myself, and like, life saver rings.
Somehow this turned into myself, Gabe from EDCT, Yogi and several others preparing for a candy war for Halloween. Gabe bragged that last year when we were on the same team that he had been there first, but it had proved naught because he'd started eating the candy before we got there, which was supposed to be ammo.
Then we were at my house on the hill and we realized the dinosaurs/lizards and their evil queen were coming/giving out candy for Halloween/taking over, so we dressed up as bad guys and started to walk past, stopping for treats on the way. Actually, one door were the bad guys with their evil queen (I complemented her lots as a male pirate), and the other door had some nice old man with easter eggs. He didn't seem that evil, but it wasn't like we dropped our cover. The original plan was to get to the shelter on the other side of my fence, maybe the bike shed, but it quickly became evident that the shelter wasn't going to be big enough or suitable.
Some young pirate lad looped his arm around my arm and I told him off, telling him that there was a line between manly friendships.
So, dressed as pirates and myself sporting a corsair 'yarr' accent, I believe I must have done some dish washing back at the rebel base with the curtains with some other folks, but then took some of the dirty plates with food still on them with cornish hen, chicken and mashed potatoes and went into the dingy bar where the evil lizards and the queen were, and immensely flattered the queen, giving her the dirty dishes with leftovers because they were the tastiest ones ever. She wasn't satisfied, I asked, and the chicken was dry and the potatoes weren't good. So I got on my knees, apologized and told her to strike me for my insolence. She didn't, so I said she was far too generous and kind and went to get out of there. She asked me if I would "take the side door" and I almost did out of habit, but that would give me away, so I put my palm on the side door and switched directions to go out the front door. She was muttering to herself about that and I could hear her thoughts, and in this part of the dream I sort of remember someone else that had sparked her suspicion. She didn't act though, and I got out.
I saw Jonny from EDCT and I mouthed 'be careful' to him, because I knew he was part of the pirate resistance. He nodded, and as I was walking out, my friend Kristin joined me, also a pirate, and winked at me. She looped her arm around mine and I told her there were some pirate friendships that had a limit with a wink. She didn't get it, so eventually I told her not to touch me because we were two male pirates. We kept walking, and got to a marina where there were lots of boats. I told her it was some rather slim pickings, but she pointed to a nice white schooner that was where the dock met the land, and I agreed we'd take it.
A lady was there, and she approached it, and was like "do you want to buy it?" And we were like, suuuuure, and so she gave us two slips - both RONS coupons. We got in the boat and she was like "well aren't you going to give me change?" and because I was in pirate costume as a male, I was like, "Yarr, add Ron the Rabid Squirrel" to your aim, I'll get you your change later." We were pulling out, so the lady in the blue-turquoise-red flowered shirt and pants was like "Okay, Ron and eeam?" and I said. "No, Ron the Rabid Squirrel! On aol instant messenger!" Kristin/Adam shook his/her head at me, because sometime between castoff and starting to paddle the schooner along (apparently using the sails was too complicated for us), Adam was there instead.
So we're paddling along as though we're in a canoe, and the boat turns into a small boat to paddle, no sales, and we come upon some "native-in-the-water-tribe" like in the movies. They advanced slowly and made a lot of "a-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo!" sounds. I said some of them back, but right now they were being peaceful and all that. I yelled "STEREOTYPE!" and pushed their canoes over. I kept doing this, and at one point I turned to Adam and grinned, saying "Even if they attack us, it's still a stereotype!"
Of course, we got to the middle of this in like a shallow bay/beach area which ended up actually having two exits. We were surrounded. They asked us what our business was/what the hell we were doing, and in my pirate guise, I said "We're just two good Christian Men hoping to pass through, arr." The chief nodded, and showed the stereotypical two paths. One was bright and shiny with flowers, on the right, and the other one was dark and foreboding with some sign I can't remember on the left.
We were like, hm, the road less traveled tends to be the better option, but that's for those who believe in God! We're pirates! Of course, the natives then explained to us that by 'letting us pass through' they didn't necessarily mean our physical bodies, so we had to outpaddle them. Adam and I were trying our best, and one of the entrances closed and opened repeatedly, like in a game. That entrance I believe was the foreboding one, which was now on the right. So we took the entrance to the left and paddled hard. They gained on us, they fell back, they gained, they fell back. I think I got nicked a few times and started bleeding. We finally paddled through.
Then the boat may or may not have been gone, and we had to walk through a room with a coffin and people/dead figures grabbing at us, which we fought off. Adam was starting to fall behind.
The next room was that of slippery dark brown eel things that we had to avoid, I think. I may be making this up.
At some point I was on a street where we asked this lady for a certain something that would help us to finish the game. It had become a game where Adam and I had to beat the other team to the endpoint, or we would die and be electrocuted as a result. I'm not sure exactly when our first encounter with this lady running a hair/makeup/beauty supplies shop happened, or what she gave us to use, but the second part comes later which I'm more clear on.
Then I remember clearly I was in a room with vending machine that had long poisonous snakes, and this old blind guy came in and started putting quarters in, but it was a small room, so I got out of there before any snakes actually got loose.
Then I was in a crazy pet supplies/pets/witches ingredients store, and I was yelling behind me for Adam to hurry up. I started browsing the store, and going by lines, and eventually I ran into Adam, who now had Vanessa beside him. I was all "yarr, so ye got yourself a wench eh? Is that why yer so far behind?" And Vanessa giggled and Adam shrugged. So we went into the cue, but not in the right part, and everyone's like 'back of the line!'. It was mostly white with yellow aisle signs, kind of like superstore, or imagine if No Name had a supermarket filled with weird s**t.
Then we were in our proper part of the cue, and I asked "Does anyone know what we have to buy in this level?" Adam and Vanessa said "Uhhhh" and then we saw a sign with all the ingredients we had to get. None of us wanted to go back and get them, but one or more of us felt we should keep our cue in line, it was a long line. Vanessa said her ankle was bad/sprained/broken. Adam gave some excuse I don't remember. I gave some long-winded a** speech that somehow made Adam go get the stuff.
Vanessa the wench and I the male pirate were now alone, and somehow in the cue the scene shifted to our own booth, and we started kissing and making out. Then out of nowhere, she says "I'm sorry about your chest." And I'm like, oh, don't worry about it. Then I pause, because I didn't think anything was wrong with my chest. I asked her what she meant. She lifted up the bottom part of my shirt that exposed my stomach and revealed that it was all spotted and blotchy. "You're dead." she said, and I knew instantly that the other team had one.
That I was screaming, and had the sensation of falling, but I was disconnected from it like an observer. I felt and saw myself getting electrocuted, but it felt more like a strong vibration, not any pain. There was a lot of static and spot colours when I was getting electrocuted in the darkness.
I woke up in the dream and was in a coffin/entry point. The guide was like "all right, back you go" and I was like "wait, can't I just get off the ride and not do the contest?" and she said "nope, you have to keep trying until you get it." That was a real kick in the pants, and so I stood on the thing and fell back in, arriving at a farmland.
I felt as though I'd already been there before (not sure if I actually was during the dream) and instead of donning pirate clothes, I took off this suit thing and said good morning to the farmers and merchants rather than 'yarr, nice day'. I had an English accent now.
I might have talked to someone on the cobblestones in the town once I reached it about the game, asking if I had to go through the same stages or if it would go a different way all together, but they were glaring at me and saying they just wanted to stay out of trouble, which I understood. They might have said something about it being different this time.
I happened upon the pretty lady in the hair/accessories/whatever shop again. I asked for the thing she had sold me last time. She was like, oh, we're all sold out. I wasn't too happy, because I thought I needed this thing (I totally forget what it was) to go onto the next level. When I talked about that, she smiled sadly, saying she wanted to get out too, and transformed back into her old self. She thought she was ugly. She said though that if I shaved my head that I would be able to move onto the next part. I was hesitant, because I had finally gotten my shoulder length natural hair. She said that you can't finish at the end with any hair, and no alterations to your skin or dyed hair, or even have any natural hair. I let her do it though, because I had this notion that I was dreaming, and that it should most likely be back by the time I woke up/completed the levels.
So she cut and buzzed it off with several different things at several stages and some towels, telling me to be careful of my bag with hello kitty stuff and mementos. I looked over, sure enough that bag existed. She kept being 'oh you're so pretty' and envious, but she was pretty too, even though she said this wasn't her true form. She got really upset then, crying, and I took her into my arms and held her. She said that violence wouldn't get me past the things and I gently leaned in a kissed her a few times, and she kissed back. I told her this wasn't violence, and she said no, it wasn't.
She had also talked about her wife, which was really a man, and I had said she and apologized. She told me not to worry because it was easy to get confused. We had a little conversation about gender identity and I said that I tended to just ask the people themselves, and whatever they told me their gender was, I would go with that.
After I had kissed her a few times and held her (she had nice legs and body, I think she had either sleek brown hair, or curled golden-auburn hair, or maybe it changed halfway through), she started to sound a bit crazy, talking about how she wanted to keep me. She started going around me and I felt soft and dizzy, and then her wife who was a man was there, and he just looked like a normal male with hair like Keanu Reeves. They spun around me and my vision blurred. They said they were going to keep my like their daughter. They kept touching me, and I was okay with this, falling into their spell. Then the lady apologized because the hello kitty bag had been broken, along with everything in it - my pictures of my family, past mementos, everything that was mine. I was all right, I said "that will make it easier" because I think I was trying to win the game.
Then her wife-man took a bit of my skin and peeled off a ribbon of it, which left me naked but not without skin. Then he/she disappeared, and the lady and I were left. The lady now looked like a porcelain cirque du soleil kind of doll, similar to a dark necrofear from Yugioh, but white with pretty small red lips and splashes of pink and purple like paint splashes on her body. She looked like a creepily beautiful doll.
We started to sing our conversation, and I saw that there were paints and brushes and I asked her if I could paint her, to show the beauty that lied inside her. Then I asked who was to be the canvas, because she hadn't said yes. This is still all singing. She sang that I was the canvas, in fact, and then she went and picked a sparkling Alruna's rose from the colour editing thing/whatnot that was all silvery and nice. The rose itself looked like the one from gaia, but with sparkles. She told me I couldn't possibly hold it in my right hand, because that wouldn't work/be fatal or something, but that it would work in my left hand.
I asked if it would hurt, and she said she'd never want to hurt me, because I was so beautiful. She put the rose in my hands, and the thorns grew and pierced my hand. The rose itself shriveled and turned brown, and the lady/doll/clown thing smiled evilly and said "But not anymore."
Then she dragged me into an evil, dark looking room that was all brown and dead and she tried to drag me into the candle. Then I'd had enough of playing along with her games and I yelled and struggled. I wasn't going to let myself get burned. I swung around out of her spell and threw her around, shouting "NO!" repeatedly, and "Fire!" because I was starting to burn her things. I toppled over her bookcases, I broke her things. I was on a destruction mission of this.
The scene warped into a bathroom stall, and there were a lot of university student males in suits and some stuff. I was pretty sure it was a women's washroom. Just in case I wasn't free yet, I yelled "FIRE!" one more time to give me strength. Some of the guys were like "what kind of crazy chick does that?" "hahaha", etcetera. I burst out of the stall finally and ran to the exit, which was a push door. At first it wouldn't open, but I was like, ******** that, you WILL open and I pushed harder.
Outside the washroom door was an urban outdoor concept mall, with signs leading to subway stations and trains as well as streets. I saw a lot of East and 'D' signs, which I assumed went 'down', which had replaced 'south'. I walked outside to get a sense of my bearings. I thought it was Toronto and therefore had to find the streets marked west, to go west, because I always went west when I was in downtown Toronto (at least by Queen and King I always do). I think I gained some semblance of where I was and started on my way.
Then I woke up for real slowly and was like, wooooah. Also, I woke up between parts of this dream and went back to bed to see what would happen next. It felt sort of like a horror that wasn't horrible at all.
Renee the Rabid Squirrel · Thu Mar 20, 2008 @ 12:58am · 1 Comments |