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View User's Journal

My Journal
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I'm back from nyc
-ate he best cup cakes in America
-bought some new video games
-went to the top of the rock(rockerfeller plaza)
-ate at goumet restraunts
-went to places that were in movies

-had to indore my dad's snoring (sounds like he swallowed a kazoo and is yelling run!)
-lost a baseball card
-couldn't update my journal

question the week. is george bush an evil genus or a happy retard (I aplogize to any republicans out there, just replace it with kerry, or gore)

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 29, 2008 @ 08:57pm
you could allways suggest having your dad get a nose job that some times gets rid of snoring xd

and the only reason i would be interrested in any of the presedents is if they ellected jackie chan for the job thingy but i don't much care for any of the other people except that democrats aren't that kool thanks to them taxses whent up rolleyes

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