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You know I just watched this movie called Juno its about a teenager that gets more than what she was bargined for. (Hint Hint!) xd
Anyway if you havent figured out what the "Hint Hint" was about anyway this girl named Juno gets pregnant and its a pretty good movie they should put those type of movies on when we have to sit through health class you know so the mood isnt too awkward. Lol I mean seriously Liz might not laugth so hard when she actully knows what a PRE-teen would have to deal with. I MEAN REALLY JUNO IS ONLY 16!! Its a really sad movie. But cool also. After i watched the movie my mom had said: "DONT EVER EVERRRR DO what JUNO did!!!" I had only laugthed and said: "Well duh im not that much of a trouble maker! > biggrin " LOL!!! Jk JK But really Liz would totally freak out if I told her about the movie XD
But wow im amazed that Bleaker forgot to use a condom on Juno.... xd
ROFL!!! I give that movie a high class 5 star! Not only does it teach us about how sucky of careless but heads we can be. But it also gives a huge lot of comedy in it too!