((I am going to use this happy color yellow in honor of BallOOn WoRld! I bought my friend this balloon animal kit type thing and it says balloon world on it and it amuses me! XD
Anyway...hm...today was Friday and...Christopher and Danny did a halo tournment thingie at school...and I have yet to find out how they did! Well I hope they did good anyway!!! Hm...I went to media play (which is where I discovered thee BaLLoon WorlD!) and I got to use my replay card which just amuses me so much! We bought Shrek 2...that was a good moo-vie... I remember me and Chris went to go see it...and he was like... "Hm, there are a lot of people here, I wonder if we'll see anyone we know..." ::he looks around:: ::I look around:: ::Jenny Danny Melissa and I think Christine too, walk in:: and then I say..."Hey look! It's everybody!!!" And that was funny...I really don't know if that was the exact conversation, but oh well that's okay!!! Haha...well anyway, I don't know what to write and I'm boring anyway so it doesn't really matter, haha.))