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My Journal
Hi!! This is my journal. If I'm bored I'll write in it. I'm usually on almost everday, so i'll update it as much as I can. I'll add more 2 it in the summer cuz I'm usually busy now.
Summer's Almost Here!! - 6/9

OMG!!! There's only 2 more skool days left!!!!

I went 2 the beach on Thursday and had a ton of fun w/ my friends jumping ovr waves in the ocean, and tanning and talking. But when I got home I felt kind of sick, and when I was at skool the nxt day, I felt like I was gonna faint. When I got home my mom checked my temperature and she sed tht I had a fever.

A*** was being such a b***h 2day!!!!! She knew tht i liked *** and during science she was like all flirting w/ him and she sorta admitted tht she liked him and he sorta admitted tht he liked her and now I h8 both of them and A*** STILL thinks I'm her friend, but in r/l:

Other than tht my life has been normal, but there's stuff I don't want to post here. Sry. I g2g now. I think its "Clean-up Time" or well, I'm bored and I wanna go on Myspace. Bye!!!