The Pokémon Company has announced Pokémon 151, a new brand intended for adult Pokémon fans. An official Web site opens Thursday, June 26th, and Japanese Pokémon Center stores have begun selling four types of stylized T-shirts. In addition, a Diamond and Pearl battle tournament for ages 15 and up will be held at the Tokyo store July 4.
The four T-shirts currently available for pre-sale feature stylized designs of Hypno, Cubone, Articuno and Mewtwo, respectively.
"See what we're going for here, what we're going's like a new step in the Pokemon brand. We realize that lots of older Pokemon fans exist, and we need to make sure they feel welcome in the fandom. So first we've got these Hypno shirts...and we want to stress that this is NOT the same Hypno we've had till now for the younger crowd. This Hypno is a lot edgier, and much darker. You can't tell from the shirt, but Hypno is actually more of a rapist now. The best part is that if you puchase the shirt and don't want to let people know it's a Pokemon shirt, you can say it's a monster playing with a Yo-Yo. People won't understand it, but that will make it edgy. Also you'll notice that no Pokemon past the original 151 will be in our products. This is to appeal to the older fans who grew up with the original Pokemon, as well as to make sure the shitty newer Pokemon don't contaminate the brand."
Edible Substance · Tue Jun 24, 2008 @ 08:12am · 2 Comments |