<span id="test21215553">. . .</span><br/><div id="post21215553" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"> My little siter is really annoying and i tried these lil steps to shut her up!
3nodding be nice and make them somthing to eat cheese_whine
sad if that does work try this
talk2hand tell them to leave ur alone or else youll tell that they did (wat ever they did bad) to mom or dad
sad if that doesnt work do this
whee give them a toy to play with in there room and close your door in there face
sad if that doesnt work ether do this it will work
cry make them cry do wat ever and make them cry when they go tell say they hit you or say u did that because they did (wat ever they did bad) or make somthing up
twisted be really mean
arrow show them the door
4laugh ask them nicely to leave u alone
stressed go tell
mrgreen throw up
scream yell
domokun tell a scary story to them
if ur triing to do it quick easy...
arrow show them the way out
rofl lol
xd cya u guys later remember being nice is a good thing cause people will be nice back
a story i tell to everyone lil kids wont even understand it next on my blog hehe ^^</div>
Undead To The End666 Community Member |