Let me catch up a little bit.
The last time I caught up was nearly mid-June. That was when I had my "Hide From Work" weekend. I was a little upset at them because they refused to give me a Saturday off, which was the 14th. I had put the time off within the days allotted, but they still gave this excuse that because they were bright and early with posting schedules they couldn't do it.
So basically, I went on a mini-tirade, and told all my co-workers I'd be calling out that day, so not to expect me. I explained what had happened, and for the most part they agreed with me. I apologized about it, that it might make work hard that day. They seemed fine, and told me it was kinda funny how all the higher-ups scrambled.
The day before I spent the day at the mall with Matt and Belinda. Which was one of the best experiences I've had with co-workers. I love that I spend time with such a cast of characters. Belinda picked us up and drove us. They told me how she had met Matt at Target since he lives in the apartments behind it. And when she came in everyone was all, "What are you doing here?" and she said, "Oh, I'm so lucky. I get to go on a date with two guys." Me and Matt thought it was hilarious. Not many people get to hang out with awesome women who could be their mothers. :]
I found a pair of shoes at Zumiez that were red, blue, and green, and I instantly had to have them, but of course they didn't have my size. Damn, why do skaters have to be so pencil thin? Really all we did was just walk around, I need to get a digital camera so I can start taking photos. I swear Belinda had to stop at every jewelry store we came across, which were many.
The interesting thing before we hit the mall though, was where we went beforehand. There's a big supermarket close by the mall but more so next to Barnes & Noble, it's called Seafood City. It also houses two Filipino fast-food chains. One of them you might know, it's called Jolibee.
Belinda had been going on and on about this place lately at work, how you could get a combo meal of fried chicken and spaghetti. While these two things are delicious, Matt and I were, well "concerned" about such a combination. It turned out to be great, the tomato sauce they use is really sweet, and they have little mini hot dog pieces in the sauce, so it's almost like Spaghetti O's. Then we walked around the market, and she showed us some really nice produce you don't normally catch. We got to explain to Matt what a tamarind was, and we all tried one. One of the best things is the desserts, the Red Ribbon bakery was so quaint. They even had mango flavored soymilk, which I need to back for.
When we were all said and done, I told them to have a good day tomorrow at work, and took the bus over to James' house, there was supposed to be a little campfire get-together. I was about 4 hours late though because I had spent time with M&B.
To be honest, I really wish I would have gone home and rested for the next day. It was basically a big, "Let's get drunk and be stupid around fire" spectacular. There was drama, and there were people who couldn't hold their liquor, and there were people who were trying to go, "Oh, man I'm so drunk." when they were hardly tipsy.
Caitlin got hammered and started preaching about how some other person was the only one who was honest with her. So I yelled out that she was fat (she's extremely not) and she started crying and incessantly being a downer, and even moped after I apologized (didn't mean it, just tried to cut the drama). I don't know, call me an a*****e, but I don't tolerate that kind of bullshit. I'll walk away, I don't offer sympathy, especially if you're doing it to yourself or for attention.
She started doing that, "I'M GOING HOME, DON'T TRY AND STOP ME." routine, so of course everyone's like, "No, you can't go anywhere, you're trashed." "I'm fine, I'm going to walk home *falls over*".
Yeah, not my cup of tea. But I stayed and talked with people who weren't being meh, but I ended up not leaving until late. Like three in the morning late. So as I caught the bus home, I didn't really get there until nearly five, as the sun was coming up. The lack of sleep was starting to get to me, but I persisted, because I would have to call out in like two hours and I knew if I fell asleep I wouldn't get back up.
When I got home though, there was a note Kelly had taken down from work, asking me I could close tomorrow. I threw it in the trash and focused on the fact that I was going to call out and act like I never saw the note.
Stayed up until seven, then Jasmine woke me up out of my bed. I should have just come to Anime Vegas later, but I spent the whole day awake, and it's when I wrote that earlier entry about me feeling bad. I think later it was all the smoke from the fire messing with my sinuses/allergies.
Anyway, the real reason Saturday was awesome was because of Video Games Live. Essentially, it's a group who works with your community's orchestra to hold a concert working with versions of classic themes and songs from video games old and new.
The Las Vegas Philharmonic did a FANTASTIC job. I teared up a little bit a few times, and Josh told me he cried during the Metal Gear Solid themes. Those were some of my favorites too. See if you can find stuff on them on YouTube, the whole thing is just too awesome. The Ms. Pac-Man video in my profile is one of the little "intermission" features they showed during the breaks. They had all these audience activities too. There was a costume contest, and my favorite, the girl dressed like one of the nurses from Silent Hill won. They also did a special event where they had a guy place Space Invaders on the huge screen, but he was the controller, and the ship moved to his movements, and the LVP played in real time to what he was doing.
They also did that again when they had two different guys play Frogger to see who could get a higher score. My favorite scene though was then they had Dee Bradley Baker perform on stage. He's done tons of work for video games and popular television. You might recognize him as Numbuh 4 on Kids Next Door, or Claus the goldfish from American Dad. He does brilliant work doing monsters, and he performed a live segment of one of the monsters in Gears of War a Beserker, while someone fought against one. THAT MONSTER IS SCARY.
Video Of An Example
So yeah, by that time, I was sick as a dog, as much as I was enjoying everything. I slept right through Sunday from not feeling well, and missed my event.
Other than that, not much else on my end. Fourth of July was nice and peaceful. I do however plan on making another update post for some very important stuff I want to mention, but I want it to have it's own entry.
So stay posted, it'll be up soonsoon.
Edible Substance · Sat Jul 26, 2008 @ 06:43am · 1 Comments |