Name: Redrina Nickname: Red
Height: 5'9"- 5'10" Body: Lean muscular
Eyes: brown/gray/red Hair: bright red
She is a merchant's help in a separate dimension/world. She travels between this world and the next both for work and pleasure. In all these travels she keeps a hideous and frightening secret about herself. She is trained heavily in the use of magic with a wand, but can also summon magic from within herself with difficulty. Both those actions drain her energy. She is spunky and well-versed in fighting and sharp-tongued speech. All of these things lead to a distorted image about herself. .....She is on a quest to find herself and who she really is, on this world or the next.
Some look Ideas.

Other World:

The Forest:
ThaliaSimon · Sat Aug 23, 2008 @ 07:55pm · 0 Comments |