Aw man... Well here I am just sitting here.... watching a movie. I'm house sitting with two other friends and they have already went to sleep. I'm up and not tired at all, so i'm in the other room... what a drag. I'm all alone in here because I cant sleep... Oh well.... I might as well work on some dragon designs for my breedable dragons thread. If your interested, the thread is called Emblems Of Draconia. There you can ged breedable dragons to RP with or do what ever you want to with. You can also meet new people and have fun talking about what ever you want. biggrin We really need people to join... if not... it dies and I guess it wasn't going to be as popular as I thought. crying Oh and before I go...
Please click on the eggs. The little dragons inside will die if you don't... so please... save the dragons. heart heart heart
Izumi Tenshi · Sat Oct 18, 2008 @ 11:49am · 1 Comments |