...just came down stairs and yelled at me for eating 'his food.' (yeah, no joke) It seems that it is now official that I'm not welcome to the food in my own house -rolls eyes-. Also the last person that was permitted to be in my house (friend wise), tak, has been unofficially banned because he eats too. So, my goal now, is to not eat in this house unless it's been offered to me within the last 5 hours. Otherwise I'm going to need to buy it to stay on my dad's good side. Because, heaven forbid when that food becomes 'his food' again. And what of my personal possesions? My bed? My books? My computer? Are those to be seized aswell? I'll keep you posted. That is, unless he decides to take my fingers away so that I can't type anymore bad things about him. All he'll do is take from me, while he bathes in his money and material possesions while his little pet of a daughter rots away as he takes foods, shelters, and friends that love her away. He'll just leave her and go and drive to work in his Corvette, complaining to Lolo on his motorola razor with a bluetooth headset (that seems to be growing out of his ear) about how his fat wallet tips his fat a** off his seat at just the slightest angle so that he can't properly avoid the glare on his plasma screen TV.
Sarpe_Drac · Tue Oct 28, 2008 @ 03:01am · 2 Comments |