heart I love you very much my favorite innocent Friend. There was never an time in my extensive interlocking mind that I would think we would grow apart. We sat there and talked together and exchanged our words eventually those words grew like flowers in a field and eventually the garden of love was formed. There was sorrow and pain as the tornadoe of fate swept across the land tearing up the inner workings of an subtle and peaceful life for all. There was purity and justice and the close feeling we feel to each other. Closely....like that of an breath of pure gentle life. We are the inner workings, we live on the outer workings of the guide to life. There are many who believe deeply in an outer life. There are those shrouded in the shadows of the very networks of the life they created. Shells of our former selves discarded for the new ones. Comparable to that of an butterfly...people do become metamorphic and transform into something beautiful or hdieous depending on the nature of the things around them. Life is such an wonder to all Inner and outer workings subject by an simple small leaf of fate falling from he branch of life. We communicate some people through anger and hate while others ignore that and call that foolish... The ones that are sitting there peaceful and call those people foolish become wise and old. The young learn from the old historical documents and the old embrace the future by stimulating the new to grow stronger for the future. planting the seeds of an new tree of life that will continue to grow long after the one who planted that seed. The ball of hope we call an planet is our base for an glorious future of great properties as the people from other worlds speak with us freely and kindly. Eventually time passes and this planet dies and becomes deserted as human and other species spread across the galaxy forever holding the legacy of an simple people going beyond the stars in the skies.
Starla Mitsubushi Community Member |