Personality: She's quiet, calm, nice and friendly. She hardly ever talks to anyone. The only time she uses her voice is to sing, and even then she makes sure no one is around. Her voice can sometimes be dangerous and lull people into doing things they don't want to do, there for she hardly ever talks, and only sings when she's alone. Aiyaka keeps to herself and loves to read and draw. When annoyed she becomes dangerous and fast Aiyaka~ 8 years old. She is almost always in her eight year old form, and is very rarely ever in her normal form age of 16.

Her half form. She's half rabbit, hence the bunny ears. She's either in this form of the other young one.

Aiyaka, 16. She rarely ever is found in this form and only uses it to do things she couldn't as an eight year old.

K a y l a s a u r o u s · Sat Nov 15, 2008 @ 12:45am · 1 Comments |