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Just for fun
Code Geass Quotes
If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."

- "Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot."

Such cowardise ! To attack me from behind !

People are....not equal.Inequality is not an evil. Equality itself is evil

"Hey hey. Don't tell me you're going to blurt out an embarassing theory on what justice is. We're soldiers, after all."

Lloyd: You [Suzaku] really hate it when people die, yet you're in the army. Why is that?
Suzaku: I'm in the army so they won't die.
Lloyd: That contradiction might kill you someday

Lelouch: So everything would be fine if you were strong?
Suzaku: I wonder if it's so bad to be weak.
Suzaku: At that time for us 10 year old children, the world appeared to be a very sad place.
Lelouch: Fear.
Suzaku: Sickness.
Lelouch: Corruption. Decay.
Suzaku: Discrimination.
Lelouch: War and Terrorism.
Suzaku: The repeated cycle of hatred.
Lelouch: A foolishly vicious cycle.
Suzaku: Somebody must break this chain.
C.C. : Quite an idealist.
Suzaku: Of course I don't think it's possible to get rid of all of it.
Lelouch: I'm not that arrogant. That's why...
Suzaku: I would like to create a world without war. A world where we don't have to lose those dear to us.
C.C. : Such a convenient world
Euphemia: What can you do to make it?
Lelouch: That's easy. If someone wins, the fighting will end.

Lelouch...Do you know why the snow is white?...Because it forgot what colour it was"

Those with power, fear us! Those without power, seek us!" - Lelouch

Lelouch : "That's right, I'm Zero. The leader of the Order of Black Knight. The one who declared war on the Holy Brittania Empire. And, a guy who is about to take over the world!
That's all in the past! It's all over!

C.C. : Within the endless flow of time,l i am alone
Lulu : You are not alone. We are accomplices. If you are a witch, i will become a warlock.

C.C. : You sure know what to say at the right moment
Lelouch: "I am the 17th successor, the second in line to the throne. Lelouch Vi Britannia."

Clovis: "Lelouch? But you are..."

Lelouch :"...supposed to be dead? I have returned, your Majesty. In order to change EVERYTHING."

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