These are the Yarrow siblings the three eldest are what's known as a Beserker a human possessed by a demon with a grudge against the humans family. Sisu, Duygu and Taliba are possessed by a fox, dragon and raven demon that hate their father. They have no idea that they have a younger sister who is not possessed and wants to not be an only child. Their mother has recently passed away and left a will stating that she wished her children were together. Her will is read by the caretaker to the three eldest: Nauda. Another beserker possessed by a shadow. He sets out to find the youngest and does so, but unwittinly falls for one of the elder siblings.
Name: Sisu Yarrow Beserker Name: Abaddon the manipulator Beserker Ablity: to manipulate the mind, body, emotion and soul of all within 40 foot radius Age: 20 Height: 6"4 Weight: 210 lbs Apperance: 
Name: Duygu Yarrow Beserker Name: Belial the bloody Beserker Ablity: to control the water and blood flow in a 30 foot radius around him Age: 18 Height: 5"11 Weight: 198 lbs Apperance: 
Name: Taliba Yarrow Beserker Name: Carmi the binder Beserker Ablity: to bind the mind, body, and soul of anything within a 20 foot radius Age: 17 Height: 5"6 Weight: 151 lbs Apperance:
Name: Riena Yarrow Age: 15 Height: 5"4 Weight: 140 lbs Apperance:
Name: Nauda Beserker Name: Itzal the memory Beserker Ablity: to erase, manipulate and altar the memories of those with 100 miles to its advantage Age: Unkown Height: 6"7 Weight: 215 lbs Apperance:
SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Mon Dec 29, 2008 @ 12:45am · 0 Comments |