Lol plz click If I'm using my laptop, neet to press Fn and alt while using these. 0k4y §00... There's gonna be some repeats. À
This should work in any Windows word processor and text editor and browser or email client.
1. Make sure your keyboard is in NumLock mode, make sure to click the button that says Num lock. 2. Hold down the ALT key and enter the number on the numeric keypad. (Note that many laptops have a blue FN key that changes a set of keys, also with blue numbers on them, into a numeric keypad.) the numeric key pad are the numbers on the very right.
in Num Lock mode, press ALT at the same time you press the numbers on the far right of the keyboard! not the numbers above the letters!
☺ ALT+ 1 ☻ ALT+2 ♥ ALT+3 ♦ ALT+4 ♣ ALT+5 ♠ ALT+6 • ALT+7 ◘ ALT+8 ○ ALT+9 ◙ ALT+10 ♂ ALT+11 ♀ ALT+12 ♪ ALT+13 ♫ ALT+14 ☼ ALT+15 ► ALT+16 ◄ ALT+17 ↕ ALT+18
0192 È 0200 Ì 0204 Ò 0210 Ù 0217 Grave (Lower) à 0224 è 0232 ì 0236 ò 0242 ù 0249 Acute (Cap) Á 0193 É 0201 Í 0205 Ó 0211 Ú 0218 Ý 0221 Acute (Lower) á 0225 é 0233 í 0237 ó 0243 ú 0250 ý 0253 Circumflex (Cap)  0194 Ê 0202 Î 0206 Ô 0212 Û 0219 Circumflex (Lower) â 0226 ê 0234 î 0238 ô 0244 û 0251 Tilde (Cap) à 0195 -- Ñ 0209 Õ 0213 -- Tilde (Lower) ã 0227 -- ñ 0241 õ 0245 -- Umlaut (Cap) Ä 0196 Ë 0203 Ï 0207 Ö 0214 Ü 0220 Ÿ 0159 Umlaut (Lower) ä 0228 ë 0235 ï 0239 ö 0246 ü 0252 ÿ 0255 ¡ Upside-down exclamation mark 0161 ¿ Upside-down question mark 0191 Ç, ç French C cedille (caps/lowecase) 0199 0231 Œ,œ O-E ligature (caps/lowecase) 0140 0156 ß German Sharp/Double S 0223 Ø,ø Nordic O slash (caps/lowecase) 0216 0248 Å,å Nordic A ring (caps/lowecase), Angstrom sign 0197 0229 Æ, æ A-E ligature (caps/lowecase) 0198 0230 Þ, þ Icelandic/Old English Thorn (caps/lowecase) See other Old English Characters 0222 0254 Ð, ð Icelandic/Old English Eth (caps/lowecase) See other Old English Characters 0208 0240 « » Spanish/French angle quotation marks 0171 0187 ‹ › Spanish/French angle single quotation marks 0139 0155 Š š Czech S hachek (S Caron) (caps/lowercase) See other Czech Characters 0138 0154 Ž ž Czech S hachek (Z Caron) (caps/lowercase) See other Czech Characters 0142 0158 ¢ Cent sign 0162 £ British Pound 0163 € Euro currency 0128 ¥ Japanese Yen 0165 ƒ Dutch Florin 0131 ¤ Generic currency symbol 0164 ° Degree symbol 0176 ¬ Not symbol 0172 ± Plus/minus 0177 µ Micro 0181 ‰ Per Mille (1/1000th) 0137 ¼ Fraction 1/4 0188 ½ Fraction 1/2 0189 ¾ Fraction 3/4 0190 © Copyright symbol 0169 ® Registered symbol 0174 ™ Trademark 0153 • List Dot 0149 § Section Symbol 0167 † Dagger 0134 ‡ Double Dagger 0135 – en-dash 0150 — em-dash 0151 ¶ Paragraph Symbol (Pilcrow) 0182 ☺ 1 ☻ 2 ♥ 3 ♦ 4 ♣ 5 ♠ 6 • 7 ◘ 8 ○ 9 ◙ 10 ♂ 11 ♀ 12 ♪ 13 ♫ 14 ☼ 15 ► 16 ◄ 17 ↕ 18 ‼ 19 ¶ 20 § 21 ▬ 22 ↨ 23 ↑ 24 ↓ 25 → 26 ← 27 ∟ 28 ↔ 29 ▲ 30 ▼ 31 space 32 ! 33 " 34 # 35 $ 36 % 37 & 38 ' 39 ( 40 ) 41 * 42 + 43 , 44 - 45 . 46 / 47 0 48 1 49 2 50 3 51 4 52 5 53 6 54 7 55 8 56 9 57 : 58 ; 59 < 60 = 61 > 62 ? 63 @ 64 A 65 B 66 C 67 D 68 E 69 F 70 G 71 H 72 I 73 J 74 K 75 L 76 M 77 N 78 O 79 P 80 Q 81 R 82 S 83 T 84 U 85 Symbol Number V 86 W 87 X 88 Y 89 Z 90 [ 91 92 ] 93 ^ 94 _ 95 ` 96 a 97 b 98 c 99 d 100 e 101 f 102 g 103 h 104 i 105 j 106 k 107 l 108 m 109 n 110 o 111 p 112 q 113 r 114 s 115 t 116 u 117 v 118 w 119 x 120 y 121 z 122 { 123 | 124 } 125 ~ 126 ⌂ 127 Ç 128 ü 129 é 130 â 131 ä 132 à 133 å 134 ç 135 ê 136 ë 137 è 138 ï 139 î 140 ì 141 Ä 142 Å 143 É 144 æ 145 Æ 146 ô 147 ö 148 ò 149 û 150 ù 151 ÿ 152 Ö 153 Ü 154 ¢ 155 £ 156 ¥ 157 ₧ 158 ƒ 159 á 160 í 161 ó 162 ú 163 ñ 164 Ñ 165 ª 166 º 167 ¿ 168 ⌐ 169 ¬ 170 Symbol Number ½ 171 ¼ 172 ¡ 173 « 174 » 175 ░ 176 ▒ 177 ▓ 178 │ 179 ┤ 180 ╡ 181 ╢ 182 ╖ 183 ╕ 184 ╣ 185 ║ 186 ╗ 187 ╝ 188 ╜ 189 ╛ 190 ┐ 191 └ 192 ┴ 193 ┬ 194 ├ 195 ─ 196 ┼ 197 ╞ 198 ╟ 199 ╚ 200 ╔ 201 ╩ 202 ╦ 203 ╠ 204 ═ 205 ╬ 206 ╧ 207 ╨ 208 ╤ 209 ╥ 210 ╙ 211 ╘ 212 ╒ 213 ╓ 214 ╫ 215 ╪ 216 ┘ 217 ┌ 218 █ 219 ▄ 220 ▌ 221 ▐ 222 ▀ 223 α 224 ß 225 Γ 226 π 227 Σ 228 σ 229 µ 230 τ 231 Φ 232 Θ 233 Ω 234 δ 235 ∞ 236 φ 237 ε 238 ∩ 239 ≡ 240 ± 241 ≥ 242 ≤ 243 ⌠ 244 ⌡ 245 ÷ 246 ≈ 247 ° 248 ∙ 249 · 250 √ 251 ⁿ 252 ² 253 ■ 254 255
Panda-senpai · Mon Feb 02, 2009 @ 01:18am · 0 Comments |