So, someone I'm very close to showed me I had depression today. I'm actually kinda happy about it, because now I know why I go from happy to angry or sad so quickly. I know why I'm upset all the time, why I can't get over someone I love, why I feel like everything's going wrong and that I've lost my passion for everything, and most important, I can now start to fix things. I've already started seeing a counselor before this, and now I can really concentrate on the problems and how to get over them.
Gho, thank you so much for showing me that I was depressed, I really think it could have ended my perfect fairytale relationship or something much worse if it weren't for you. I owe you my life.
Lexenos the Gypsy Bard · Fri Feb 06, 2009 @ 02:19am · 1 Comments |