
This is a Story about Marshall.
Please talk about your NPC nightmares and strange experiences.

Once upon a time Marshall met Marshall. Yes.

It was fated meeting.

We got very close.

There were trees.

Many gathered.

I said many.

And Touring.


We decided to have a party!~

It was a good celebration.
Marshall YES
Do you know what you are seeing here?!

Because we were sent on a secert mission to destroy Marshal!
You see, we Land Shabbqs had a lot of free time.
We hang out in the sewers a lot.

we even went on quests to try and find the Land Shark.

Eventually we decided to just MAKE LAND SHARK FLUFFS!

However, the Marshalls were smart and fled to the Shallow Seas.
This is the story of Marshall.
You see, we Land Shabbqs had a lot of free time.
We hang out in the sewers a lot.

we even went on quests to try and find the Land Shark.

Eventually we decided to just MAKE LAND SHARK FLUFFS!

However, the Marshalls were smart and fled to the Shallow Seas.
This is the story of Marshall.