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Watch Anne Think!
I rant. I write. I report.
So I'm busy looking for an audience for my Horatio/Stetler fanfiction. I think I'm just going to post it on here and set up a blogger page for it, I don't know where else to go in all honesty. I expected that the call for a Horatio/Stetler fanfiction would be about as strong as the call for the Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy fanfiction (which is HUGE!). But I guess the demographics that each group targets is so different that the realms of fanfiction are conservative in "CSI" where they are incredibly liberal for "Harry Potter". It must be a semi-generational thing. Anyways...

Right now I'm on the 19th page and am still building tensions and emotions among the characters. Here's my checklist:

1. Introductions - done
2. Setting - done
3. Explanation of setting - half assed, but done
4. Separate Horatio and Stetler from the rest of society - done
5. Frustrate Stetler - done
6. Frustrate Horatio - done
7. Make both characters vulnerable at the same time - done
8. Make up - done
9. Anger Stetler - done
10. Anger Horatio - done
11. Impulse first base - done
12. Stetler confession - done
13. Stetler break down - done
14. Horatio confession - done
15. Horatio break down - done
16. first base (non-impulse) - done
17. More talk - erm...this looks like it should go here
18. second base - somewhat planned
19. third base - a little less planned
20. what is known in The Sims as "woo-hoo"ing - erm... did homework sweatdrop
21. The next morning - somewhat planned
22. Ground Rules - makes sense to go here
23. Braving the elements - I just pulled that one right out of my a**
24. Back to civilization - not really planned out, but necessary
25. Keeping the secret - erm...yeah, I guess I can do this.
26. THE END - still looking for that great closing line

I know that look, don't give me that look. You're going "You just pulled pieces of that plot from Brokeback Mountain". Well you know what? Maybe I did, but in all honesty the little cabin in the dead of winter has always been my favourite setting for romance. And all romances that want to be taken somewhat seriously need a sort of complex relationship, I hate when everything is too straightforward, it kills the illusion.

But what's been bugging me is the vocal anti-Horatio/Stetler side of the CSI: Miami fanbase. I have been on CSI: Miami's wetpaint page and suspect that the problem is not in the personality pairing, but more in the same-sex idea. That's my opinion. Here's a transcript of the conversation that followed my post in the "slash" part of the site:


Fan 1: ok r u sayin' H and S as a couple????..thats gross.......Horatio isnt gay!!

Me: actually, (trying my best to keep with the continuity of the series) I state that H is *not* gay, I have made him bi.

Fan 1: oh no sorry....but Horatio bi even in fiction is just way would he be the bada$$ we all know and love if u did that....make old Stetler gay but leave Horatio for the women



But judge for yourself. I have posted a reply, but I won't post it here until the response is up. It just bothers me, that's all. If she cannot come up with a valid argument I shall dismiss it as a mild homophobia and start surfing fan-fiction databases. Personally, I see nothing wrong with two incredibly attractive men pursuing each other. wink
