Title: Our Time Date: 12-28-08 Come my little abrasive ones to the sea and to the sun why you follow I will not ask just to do one simple task
But we ask you, the age old question Is there one way of knowing your sense of direction.
Tell the Seafrogs I shall miss them so, Tell the sunbugs, "Our Time has come."
Title: Beginnings Date: 5-16-07 How do I start? Is there a way to begin? I should know how, but I do not. There should be a book....but alas, there is not. You really should know this, I really should tell, but In the moment, I've lost my words....forgotten how to spell. You've got my tongue in a knot, my eyes locked in place but how do I tell you this right to your face? I cannot remember what I was to say the look in your eyes has whisked it away "My dear, I love you" I say as I sit... "wait!" I say as I realize, "that was it!"
Title: The Ballad of Mist Date: 4-13-07 Two strangers meet. Travelers were they. Not knowing what the future would hold. Both of them young. One of them seeming younger. Neither of them reckless. Both with a well-placed mind. One with knowledge foreign to the other. Neither of them foolish. But decisions were impossible for the both of them Neither believed in love. They thought that it was folly. Their friends believed. And even warned them. But they had no intentions to fall. They would keep their pride, And show their friends what they thought to be true. By doing this they were holding something back. When you do something to keep your pride, Are you really keeping it? Or are you hiding it behind a shadow? They were hiding in the shadows. Until one of them, handed the other a light. She asked him, "why hide?" He nodded "With this I shall light your way through the mist" he said And so, the two travelers travel on together, through the mist. Not knowing what the future holds.
Pelagic Paladin · Wed Jul 29, 2009 @ 12:47am · 0 Comments |