Kitiara Selene Mocalbern
I am...
Middle class
I was born as a...
I really love!
Drawing, singing, art of any kind, music, males- looking at at least, animals, reading, playing instruments, her pets, sweet foods, sour things, pocky and yanyan, green tea, being outside, nature
I really hate
Bullies, blood- she hates the sight of it, those who hurt others expecially animals and children, loud obnoxious people, rap music, hospitals, her father, those who destroy nature, bars, government
My person I'm arranged to be with is...
[I will add this]
I'm so hot!

I'm not old in fact I'm only...
Give me presents on this date!
August 21
The past, such great memories
Kit was born on august and was a miracle child, her parents didnt think they could concieve. But after Kit was born her mother grew very ill. Her mother loved kit and had put money away for her to have things she would need in her life. She helped Kit learn to play instruments, music like vocals, and art. She taught her the things she had saved for and learnt growing up like matrial arts and gymnastics. Kit was brilliant and learnt things quickly, she looked just like her mother. But when Kit turned 9 her mother grew worse and hte doctors couldnt find the reason. Soon after her mother passed away. Her father had never paid attention to kit nad now looked at her with disguest. He blamed her for her mothers death. Kit got a job and began to save for college and school. She graduated and was happy, even though she never knew love after her mother died. Her fathers attitude had grown worse to the point the very sight of her sent him into fits of rage. Kit still loved him though. One day she came home from school to see a strange man in her living room, he said only 3 words " She will do" and left. Her father told her she was being sold and would be married off to some rich person. Kit was a stubbern girl and was furious at what he had done. She is prideful, stubbern, high spirited, and has a temper.