Chapter 13
Dumbledore and I were running down da stairs into da skull's basement. I knew that we would run into Koopin, and i hopped th@ I could turn him back good. He was in dondage against a wall.
"Lupin," I said. "What do you want," he asked, "stupid goth girl?" "I'm sorry. I was da one dat made you go to Hogwars in da forrst playse. Join us and we'll make Trunks come back 2 u." "Why should I believe you?" "Because she's our only hope against Voldemrt." Dumbledore saided. "That's rite," I said, and I taked out da tim toner. "We'll go back and kill Voldemort so you won't b evil, then we will go back and fix everything." "You can't fix it all," Lupin said ruthlessly. "Da world iz ugly. I'm not okay."
I started 2 cry bcuz me was mentioning an MCR song. I wuz sed bcuz I ruined his life and made him a prep, just like B'loody Mary did/ And then, I had an idea.
"Lupin, Dumbledore," I said. "Us three will go back in tim 2 wen Satan was a baby, and I willa adopt him and make him one of us." "I know where he was -is," Dumbledore said. "Alright," Lupin said.
So I pulled out da time toner and we went bak in tim.
KingJack! · Sat Aug 29, 2009 @ 06:21am · 0 Comments |