And here I sit upon these stairs
There, a sight that pricks my hairs
My gaze is locked in silent shock
It was there I saw it, at 5 o'clock
There is someone who looks just like me
Gazing right back and with glee
My eyes, my hair, and my smile
It makes my throat fill with bile
I know that no one else can see
That this demon looks just like me
They all pass by without a glance
While the evil starts to make an advance
It smiles and tries to talk to me
And I don't know how to get free
It has feigned innocence and
Has extended to me, my own hand
I smile and start to play along
Pretending like this thing belongs
I take the hand and ask it's name
And it responds just the same
Do you know that one helpful saying?
That is the game I have been playing.
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
And thus, I will be this demon's disposer
As we play I start to plan
How I can end what has began
I must get back my missing soul
That this wicked, horrible demon stole
Fire, poison, maybe a knife
I will somehow end its life
I will seclude it and do it quick
In a location that I pick
I decide it is best to make it burn
But how it died was not my concern
I just wanted it dead, and wanted it soon
So I lead the demon under the moon
We go up to a spire
To kill it in a fire
Up in that tower
I'll strip it of its power
I knock it down to the floor
And block it from going to the door
It screams at me when I get the gas
Acting as though I've no need to harass
I throw the gas on, soak it good
And the creature still acts misunderstood
I glare at it one last time
"And now you die, you worthless slime."
I throw the matches down, light them fast
Laughing, I know I have surpassed
The evil that burns above me
And that is a guarantee.