Profile Kit
Username: Kitiara_Fox Character name: Kitiara Midoshi (Ki-tar-a Mi-da-she) How old does your shinigami appear: 18 How old is your shinigami: 100 Sex: female Appearance:  Kit is about 5’6 in height and 120lbs. She has icy blue eyes and short silver wavy hair. She is small frame and wears a white and red kimono like outfit with her haori with squad 10 symbol on the back over it. In her hair she has 2 crimson ribbons with bells tied to them . When she merges with her spirits she has a long slender kuda-gitsune tail and ears. Accessories: She hasa gold –silver pendant locket around her neck. It was a family heirloom and she keeps it on her at all times. The pictures in the locket are of any one she cares for. She carries a satchel with her and inside is her sketchbook and art stuff. Personality: Kit is stubborn, high spirited, a smart butt, has a temper if pushed, tactical and always thinking, she can be kind and nice to those who need it. Slightly vengeful and can stay mad for a while but gets over things relatively soon. Bio: Kit was born in the human world a single child. Her father worked as a detective while her mother was an artist and musician. Her family was slightly wealthy and she longed for little as long as she behaved. Growing up she was mischievous and loved to play tricks on other people, getting herself in a lot of trouble. She was scolded often and had to work extra hard on her lessons. On top of going to regular school her mother was teaching her to play various instruments as well as art forms. Kit took to art rather quickly and was always drawing or writing, as well as singing. As she got to the age of 6 her father enrolled her in martial arts classes, as the classes moved along she became a natural at it. As she grew up her trouble making became less as she concentrated more on her hobbies, as well as a new friend from school.
Her teen years hit and she still thrived in the things her mother had taught her. She had learnt various types of martial arts as well as became very acrobatic. A new transfer student had caught her attention and became her best friend. By the time they graduated the two had become inseparable and went to the same college. Kit went to get her degree in art and a detectives license and he into psychology. As graduation became closer the two had began to date. Right after graduation she got accepted into the force, which worried him a lot. Kit knew why he disliked it but she was following her father’s footsteps and brushed off her concerns. The year she turned 24 she was walking with him congratulating him on his award and the two decided to go celebrate. As Kit pushed him to make him go faster a shot rang out. The crowd of people screamed as blood painted the sidewalk, tears mingled with the blood. Her friend had stumbled upon something that killing was worth to keep it a secret. As Kit had pushed him the bullet meant to silence him had pierced her body. Kit lay there listening to his plea not to leave him and to hang on help was coming. She tried to stay but her chain had severed and she passed on.
After she died she wondered around lost and confused until a kind man offered her a chance to become a soul reaper. She nodded and was taken to the academy. She worked hard and never gave up, as she advanced in her classes. She was determined to help people even in her afterlife. After years of training and hard work she graduated and was offered a captains position. She accepted after proving herself to them. She got her zanpaktou and worked hard to unravel the mystery surrounding it.
Likes: Friends, family is she had any, and animals, singin and drawing, being outside and reading loves libraries. Nature, all forms of art and music for the most part. Sweets expecially yan yan and pocky. She like sour and spicy food as well. Loves greentea. Dislikes: bullies, people who hurt others and animals her hair being messed with, being interrupted when reading and working on art. Back of neck and sides messed with since she is ticklish.
Zanpakutou name: KowaiKage Zanpakutou spirit: it’s a kuda-gitsune (pipe fox) so it has 2 forms
 Zanpakutou unreleased:  Her blade is about a foot and a half long, 2 inched wide, and a inch thick. It is a dark blue shine to it and the guard has spikes at the end. It has a long hilt and is a light weight blade. Release phrase: Show me your fear Akumu!! Shikai:  Her shikai allows her to use foxfire from her blade and her spirit (also called spirit fire, kitsune-bi, ghost light). Mist pours from the skull setting on the base of her swords mouth and it makes people see their greatest fears/ nightmares. The mist can manifest it to cause them harm. Bankai: Yume
 Her bankai has the ability to make someone see their greatest dream and can use the mist to manifest it, with Bankai she can merge with her spirits and gains fox ears and a tail. She becomes faster and can use the spirit fire herself. Hido: 1-11 Bakudo: 1-9 Abilities: She is fast and knows flashstep, knows a few kido and works to get them strong. She is good at plotting and keeps cool in a fight. Skills: She is smart, agile, and knows various types of martial arts. She knows how to play various instruments, can sing very well, and has a great memory. She has read a lot of books and remembers them all. Has the ability to turn into a fox.
Kitiara_fox · Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 06:42am · 0 Comments |