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Kyou-ness is Bliss! <3
I need to use this for random creativity
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility

I've been playing it for a few days now, and I don't understand what's so addicting about farming (or about any video game, for that matter). I currently have a chicken, a baby chick, and a silk worm =D though the worm is still a weird concept...

I'm trying to play this as much as I can before animal parade comes in the mail (though I probably won't play it the moment it gets here...)

And I also missed the rainbow by two days D= For those confused by this statement, in this game you try to make 5 rainbows to restore the tree (or something like that... sounds so weird when I explain it) and the rainbows have recipes! There's a flea market sale on a certain day that's the only time you get a specific ingredient for the first one! And I couldn't get it cause I didn't level up enough in time, so now I is working on getting animals and getting hearts with the Luke guy.

I don't know why but so far in these games I always marry the guys who work for the carpenters or something like that. Chopping down trees does give give em nice muscles... lawl.