“YOU’RE DEAD!!!” the sounds coming from the room above him could only tell the young man that two of his room mates were up. He sighed and continued to cook breakfast for four. His long royal purple hair was pulled back behind his head in a low tail that trailed down his back. His silver-blue eyes were weary and focused only on his current task. He didn’t notice the other person walk in, only when he had four plates laid out with eggs, two links, toast, small pancakes and some grits, did the last room mate slink his arms around his waist.
“Good morning, lovely.” A low male voice purred into his ear. He blinked and using the spatula smacked the hands clasped around him.
“Yow!! Usual morning greeting, eh, Bloom?” the man said rubbing the hand that received the blunt force. His dark brown eyes were obscured by the clear glasses he always wore, and his brown hair was layered and brushed his shoulders. This one was the perfect example of a mature human male who knew how to fight, as the muscles that were currently on display weren’t proof enough. His honey brown sweat pants hung low on his hips. His deep chuckle did nothing for the blank faced elf.
“Only for you, Gilbert. How’s the agenda looking today?” Bloom asked tucking a strand of royal purple behind his pointed ear. His soft tenor sounding voice was flat and mono-toned. Bloom learned long ago that any emotion in his voice would betray him to those that were around him.
“Good, if everything goes well at the library then we’ll be able to expand the children’s section.” Gilbert said placing out glasses and silver-ware. He looked up at yet again another rumble from upstairs.
“I see they’re at it again…really Bloom why do those two insist on fighting like that?” Gilbert said looking at the chore chart that Bloom drew up four years ago when it was just him and Gilbert. Over the time period they gained two new room mates, both were people the Gilbert had encountered and talked Bloom into letting them stay with them in the small two story house that Gilbert owned. The two men looked up from the table as a green haired youth sprinted down the steps and slid into his seat. His green eyes sparkled with a child’s delight. Bloom sighed and continued to eat as Gilbert looked at the youth.
“Ricky…what did you do this time?” Gilbert asked him. The youth only smiled as another young man skidded in…with bright green hair. Bloom’s usual blank face broke as he started to laugh. It was light, unused and gentle. Gilbert’s usual deep chuckle was also heard. The young man was furious.
“GIL DO SOMETHING THAT BRAT PUT DYE IN MY SHAMPOO AGAIN!!!” the man yelled. Gilbert looked up and grinned.
“Oh come on, Tyren…Ricky was only playing…he is a fox shifter after all.” Gilbert said patting Ricky’s head. Tyren glared and shook his head, trying in vain to shake the dye out. Gilbert sighed and walked over; the human mage used a simple spell to rid the usually dark brown hair of the other male. Tyren’s rustic red eyes glared daggers at the shifter who only grinned in response. Bloom stifled his laughter and resumed eating.
Soon, all four men were finished eating and cleared the table. It was Bloom’s job to cook; as Gil hated cooking, Tyren had no talent whatsoever and Ricky made new forms of life, he also kept the kitchen clean; Gil did vacuuming and laundry; Ricky dusted and made sure nothing was on the floor; while Tyren dried and put the dishes away as well as make sure the bathroom was clean. Gilbert sighed as he relaxed into his armchair. He thought about the first time he met Bloom…actually he met Bloom’s mother.
>>Flashback<< The woman was taller than he was, with long wavy deep purple hair and bright silver eyes. Her pale skin and pointed ears told the 21 year old librarian that she was an elf. At her side was an 11 year old child. He knew immediately that the child was hers. He also knew the woman from his childhood and had yet to see her only son, which he hoped was the child next to her.
“Auntie Flora…what are you doing here?”
“Gil, you have to do something for me.”
“What is it?”
“This is my son, Bloom…I want you to take care of him please…and before you ask no, he’s not in school he’ll learn all he needs to from nature, just like my race. Another thing…never let his father near him. I’m afraid that he may try to kill my son.”
Gilbert nodded and looked down and the blank faced child. He mentally shuddered as the child’s eyes were empty and emotionless. Flora held up her son and passed him off to Gilbert who took the child and placed him on his lap. Gilbert smiled and watched as Flora left. Gilbert’s eyes visible darkened and he looked back to the child.
“I wonder what she made you do little one.” He asked the child.
>>End Flashback<<
Gilbert thought back to the first year where most of the time that he spent outside was to get the child back from men that had used him in a sexual manner. Then the year after that was trying to get Bloom to not go into a work area related to a sexual nature, which failed as the, now, 15 year old dances at a nightclub for income. Gilbert was still a librarian, while Tyren worked part time at a sports store as well as lead singer of a band and Ricky worked with children at a day care during the week. Gilbert doesn’t have the heart to tell Bloom “No”, and it doesn’t help that Bloom’s job tends to bring more in than any of there’s in one night at some points. Tyren gave Bloom a big eyed look for something that Gilbert didn’t hear him ask for, which was terrifying to look at, that failed epically as Bloom merely walked away. Tyren sighed and flopped onto the couch across from Gilbert. The guy sighed and wished that he had something to take the edge off of things. His band had recently gotten a gig and it went well, but not like their leader had hoped.
“Hey, Gil…you know that Ricky and Bloom both are gay right?” Tyren said looking over at him.
“Yes.” Gilbert replied leaning back, basking in the sunlight.
“Just wondering…why the hell do you hit on Bloom all the time?!? He’s like 15!!! Wait, come to think of it…you hit on Ricky too…” Tyren pointed out slowly sitting up.
“Correction Tyren, he appears 15, elves age slower than humans so Bloom is around 90-120 years of age. Ricky is 21 in appearance so that would make him you know what he never told me…and you and I are 25…” Gilbert said simply.
“Well, duh…wait…RICKY DID WHAT?!?” Tyren exclaimed sitting fully up.
“Never told me his real age.” Gilbert said, opening one eye to look at him.
“Now, I got to find out…by the way why he isn’t a doctor like he wants to be?” Tyren was now sitting on the couch elbows resting on his knees.
“Family issues…his dad wants him to go into politics…he wanted to work with kids. He wants to be a pediatrician, but his father’s influence is a little strong so, he can only work at the day care for now.” Gilbert said, now looking at him fully.
“That sucks…” Tyren said shaking his head in disbelief.
“I know, and as for why I hit on Bloom and Ricky it’s the only way they know to show affection…and if you notice, Bloom deters me at every turn and Ricky laughs it off. To them, I’m big brother…nothing more.” Gilbert said shrugging. Tyren just sat there seemingly lost in thought. Gilbert smiled softly at the concern that the young man was showing towards the two other members of the house. Gilbert and Tyren both were old friends from childhood. Gilbert had pushed him by accident when he was 5 years old and ever since then the two were inseparable. He remembered talking to Tyren two years ago.
Tyren leaned back in his chair at the bar and sighed. Gilbert looked at him from across the table smirking.
“So, find any place to stay since your ex kicked you out?” Gilbert asked sipping his cold water. Alcohol messed with his magic.
“The b***h is now dating the drummer!!” Tyren said downing his whiskey. Gilbert summed it up to the musician in him at how he could hold his liquor.
“Really?” Gilbert quirked an eyebrow in response.
“YES!!! I should have seen it coming…” Tyren ran a hand through messy dark brown hair.
“Still have this drummer…?” Gilbert asked knowing that Tyren would have killed the poor guy if he wasn’t afraid of the cops or the band leader.
“No…leader kicked him out for misconduct. Plus, they can’t find someone with my singing talent in the entire city…” Tyren said with a flash of a triumphant grin. Gilbert sighed, he could scratch the band leader off as a stuck up jackass.
“Well, you know how Gran left me her old house…” Gilbert said without much thought.
“The two story place, with an attic and basement…good sized yard…five bedrooms…two full baths and the fact that the basement was set up as a small apartment?” Tyren said recalling the memories he had of the place that both boys called their second home.
“Yes…” Gilbert was impressed with the guy at his memory.
“You got room for an old friend who loves you more than anyone?” an attempt at big pleading eyes on Tyren’s part.
“Pitiful attempt…but, yes…I already have someone living with me though.” Gilbert said sighing and taking another sip of his drink.
“Don’t mind…what’s she like?” Tyren asked with a grin.
“He is looking for a dancing career.” Gilbert said with epenthesis on ‘He’.
“Why?” Tyren asked with a raised brow.
“Its in his blood…he’s an elf.” Gilbert said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Wow…and here magical beings were rare.” Tyren said blinking.
“So, what do you say?” Gilbert asked with a smug look.
“Hell yeah!!! When can I move in my stuff?” Tyren said grinning from ear to ear.
“Tomorrow…now, let’s go talk to your band leader so he knows of the change.” Gilbert said finishing his water.
>>End Flashback<<
Gilbert grinned and watched as Ricky walked in and draped himself behind an amused Tyren. The fox shifter had been unusually giddy about something all weekend and then Gilbert smiled. Tyren saw the smile and gave him a look. Gilbert gave a small nod. Ricky sighed again and turned onto his back. Bloom walked in and sat on the armrest next to Gilbert. The look in Ricky’s eyes caused Gilbert to remember him three years ago it was after he had Tyren in a settled…
Gilbert looked at the shifter who grumbled about his stupid father and his stupid rules. Gilbert sighed and placed in their orders.
“Ok, Ricky explain to Gil what mean ole daddy did this time?” The fury was obvious and Ricky was fueled.
“He blackmailed the pre-med school so they couldn’t take me…”
“Damn, he wants you to go into politicos that badly?”
“Yup…”Ricky said spite and venom dripping. Gilbert sighed and thought about something.
“Why not go to “Heaven’s Retreat” it’s a day care for kids that’s near the library. I hear the owner’s looking for someone that can handle kids and would do anything to protect them.” Gilbert said knowing that Rick would bite.
“Really…but, I need a place to live that’s not in Dad’s radar…”
“How about my place…your Dad knows to leave my family alone seeing as I’m old money…and besides…I’m on good terms with your Dad’s family, this’ll be the only thing I’ll ask of him…”
“Really, Gil…you mean you want me around?”Ricky asked. Gilbert ruffled his hair affectionately.
“Your cute…fun to be around and hot. I want you to live with me…just don’t cause too much trouble.”
“I won’t!” the shifter said tackling the mage in fox form.
>>End Flashback<<
“Something good happen at work this past week, Ricky?” Bloom asked his voice as smooth as silk. Ricky’s green eyes seemed to get brighter and he actually sprouted leaf green fox ears and a bushy fox tail. Tyren blinked and removed himself from the couch to occupy the other armchair in the living room. Ricky only gave a fox like chuckle, stretched and looked at the clock. His ears and tail bristled and he let out an irritated growl. Gilbert cocked an eyebrow and looked to the calendar.
“Uh oh, it’s his monthly visit to his father’s lawyer office.” Gilbert said noting the date. Ricky stuck out his tongue and went upstairs to change. He went from he usual light blue with splashes of green tie-dye long sleeved shirt and blue and white tie-dyed jeans to a pale green button up shirt with a black vest, matching black dress shoes and slacks. His green hair was styled with two long locks down the front of his shoulders, usually braided with beads and such was now bound by soft green leather strips. He basically became what scared the hell out of everyone else…responsible. Walking out into the living room he looked at the others.
Tyren dramatically fell to the floor in mock shock. Bloom nodded in approval, but rose and unbuttoned the top three buttons. Gilbert smiled warmly.
“There’ll be coco and smores for you when you get back.” Gilbert said knowing that Ricky would need them. Ricky gave him a grateful smiled and left.
Fifteen minutes later Ricky found himself in front of his adoptive father’s law office. The man that had raised him actually adopted him when he was a newborn kit that had lost his parents. Before him was an arctic wolf pup that lost its parents to hunters, after him was an infant white tigress that was blind. Unfortunately, his mother was a panther female that had recently left his father for another male. Naturally, none of the children mentioned their mother for fear of their father’s outburst. Ricky didn’t particularly like his father, but he did hold some love for the tiger, even if it was buried. Stepping onto the elevator he glanced at his elder brother, Jeremiah. Jerry was pale with long silver-white hair and coal black eyes. Jerry was always is button up shirts and slacks, usually in white and never seen with his hair short. His hair reached his elbows and was kept in a neat ponytail, his bangs swept across his eyes and his proud face never faltered. Ricky thought that it was true when they said that a wolf’s temperament showed with their face…his elder brother was deader than a doornail.
“Emanuel…” his brother’s cold voice never helped either.
“Jeremiah…” Ricky reply with no emotion. The door ‘binged’ open and the brothers were greeted with the sight of the youngest child and only girl. She was short with faded blue eyes, as proof that she was blind, and her hair was coal black with white streaks. Ricky smiled warmly and Jerry’s eyes visibly softened.
“Gloria.” Both brothers said as they stepped off and allowed the white tigress shifter to embrace them. Off to the side Ricky saw Timothy Walters and he was bragging again. Looking to his elder brother who nodded swiftly he excused himself and walked over. He caught the start of something juicy…
"I'm telling you, she's at home right now crying her eyes out because I dumped her. Sure, we had a good thing going, but it was time to call it quits. I'm just sorry I didn't get to nail her sister before I called the engagement off too." Tim said to a few guys who were shaking their heads in disbelief. Ricky was hidden by a corner.
"She was a sweet a** to screw too. She liked it fast and dirty. Her sister, on the other hand, was a giant prude who wouldn't let me touch her until I had vows exchanged." At that Ricky twitched and wanted to murder. Tim kept going.
"So I go and engage myself to her, and keep nailing her sister behind her back. And then the silly chit had to go and get in an accident. A friggen accident. While she was in the hospital, I called the engagement off and dumped her sister, too." Tim said as if it was all right to use some one like that. Ricky swore that Tim was the reason he never entered this line of work.
"I mean, what if she'd been horribly disfigured? I couldn't have married that! And her sister wanted me to marry *her*! So I bailed before I got too tangled up in their net." Ricky held his tongue and rode it out.
"*more laughter* that’s right, you don’t know the sisters, do you? Get this: I screwed rising pop sensation Sasha ((fudge, I forgot her last name)), and had her sweet older sister Serenity at my beck and call." At that Ricky turned the corner and a deathly silence fell over the group. Most were looking at the cold green eyes like he was Death itself saying “It’s your time!!!”
“. . . Timothy . . . does my father pay you to whore yourself out to potential high paying clients or is that a favorite past time of yours?” Ricky said, loving the obvious effort it took for Tim to not retort. He loved being the boss’s son sometimes.
". . . Sorry, sir. I'll save my private discussions until after work.” Tim said, strained and breathing evenly.
"Better yet...Timothy, do me a favor and do not let me hear of you ever talking about that little 'conquest' however petty it is of yours..." Ricky said with the threat looming over him. With that Ricky walked briskly past with his siblings in tow.
"Yes, sir." Tim said almost like an afterthought. Ricky let Jerry go first and then followed after, with Gloria in the rear. Ricky held back the gulp as he looked at his father. The male tiger shifter had wild orange hair that fell just to his shoulders. It held random locks of black and his deep brown eyes were wise, but calculating. Ricky learned long ago that his father would do anything to get what he wanted, Ricky also knew that his father wasn’t what everyone made him out to be. Ricky simply answered his father’s questions and nodded when told not to shame the family. As he left he hugged his sister one last time and shook his brother’s hand. Jerry nodded and left the two younger ones. Gloria waited for her current boyfriend, a nice snow leopard who was a local business tycoon. Ricky saw her off and walked back to the house. Breathing a sigh of relief he noted that a storm was coming in from the north.
“Goanna be cold for a while…” he mused to himself.
 Bloom Forest
 Gilbert Rouge
 Emanuel "Ricky" Barrettes
 Tyren Siren
SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Thu May 06, 2010 @ 06:56am · 1 Comments |