My sister left this morning! Well we went to the airport to say goodbye.. and it was sad.. even though I didn't cry there.. ): 'cuz my sister's friend was there and so were my parents.. I'm gonna miss her here!! gonk One year!! Well.. after that.. my parents took her friend to her house.. then we went around for them to buy stuffs.. I was in the car most of the time.. and everything was boring if I was with them.. the thing is that we went back home.. I started crying like crazy... and well.. yeahh I'm sad
Well Spain won against Netherlands.. who would've thought that the damn octopus was right again?!!! stressed scream I felt asleep.. I just saw when they scored the effing goal!!
Well they're airing Shaolin Soccer atm!! 8D but I'm not watching it XD it got no subs ):
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gimme your black silk boxers please? emotion_dowant
love avi arts 4laugh