Pokemon Gym leader profile |
Name:Reisha Saya Mizari
Aliases/ Nicknames: Rei or Saya
Age: 20
Physical Description: 
Rei has cream skin, tall in height about 5’7 and weight is about 125. Her hair is a dark gold color, wore pinned up in a bun with the bangs hanging down to frame her oval face. She has small frame glasses that cover her sapphire blue eyes. She is a slim form with long legs and a average torso. She has soft complexion on her lips. Her form is abit willowy with her tall structure. She has a small scar on her left wrist from when she had a riding accident at a young age. She has no tattoos as she hates needles. She wears earrings in both ears, usually moon earrings and matching necklace. She seldom wears makeup. Her clothing is a white sleeveless shirt with gold rim, white tie with gold design, and matching gold skirt and boots.
Special Accessories:She wears moon earrings and matching necklace, she has a cuff bracelet on her right wrist that has a sun on it with a tiger eye gem as well as a ring on her middle finger on that hand with a opal gem. She also wears her espeon’s pokéball around her neck.
Badges:  The Loyalty badge and a TM, if they have a strong bond and loyal connection with the team so they can beat her
Skills: Rei is psychic, she can talk with her Pokémon as well as get feelings on a person. She is strict when battling and thus her team is strong and trusts her. She is agile and athletic as well as smart. She trusts in her Pokémon, saying her wins are thanks to her Pokémon.
Personality:Rei is a bit distant most times, she becomes serious about battling. She takes challenges very seriously and will not give up. She is brave, will never turn down a challenge. She is a leader, expecting her team to fight with all they have and push the challenger to his or her limit and beyond. Not to have the wrong idea about her, she loves her Pokémon very much; they are the only ones to ever see her kind side. She loves being outside with her team, letting them enjoy some play time after training. She does not pity or give favors to anyone, she can be ruthless in order to try to see a persons full potential.
 Pokémon #1: Espeon Name: Eva Gender:♀ Ability: Synchronize-Passes on a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Confusion Psybeam Psychic Morning Sun Swift Quick Attack
 Pokemon #2: Name: Key Gender: ♂ Ability: Synchronize-Passes on a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Miracle Eye Confusion Psybeam Recover Psycho Cut Psychic
 Pokemon #3:Natu Name: Senkensha (seer) Gender: ♂ Ability: Synchronize-Passes on a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Night Shade Shadowball Psychic Peck Confuse Ray Wish
 Pokemon #4: Girafarig Name:Gigi Gender: ♀ Ability:Inner Focus-This pokemon will not flinch. (doesnt prevent flinching for focus punch ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Confusion Psybeam Crunch Zen headbutt Double hit Protect
 Pokemon #5 : Gallade Name: Keiiken (Shape-of-the-mind-fist) Gender: ♂ Ability: Steadfast- speed raises by 1 everytime the pokemon flinches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Confusion Night Slash Psycho Cut False Swipe Close Combat Focus Punch
 Pokemon #6: Smoochum Name:Kokoro Gender:♀ Ability: Oblivious- The pokemon can not be under attract condition while having this ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sweet kiss Sing Dream eater Confusion Powder snow Blizzard
PC Pokemon:
Biography/History: Both of her parents were trainers from a different region, they dedicated their lives to helping Pokémon. After years of traveling and beating trainers and gyms, her parents settled down and got married. They then started a family, having a baby girl. Giving her the name Reisha, they had high hopes their child would become something great.
Rei grew up being abit adventurous, never being one to play with dolls or all that girlie stuff. She loved to run around on her father’s houndoom, playing pretend with it. She had a few friends in the neighborhood, mostly tomboyish girls like her. She tended to be picked on the by the boys, which she could care less about. She tended to care little about what other people thought. Soon she started going to school and it got worse when she got better grades than them.
Finally she hit the age to begin her journey. She got her first Pokémon and set out, traveling around. She wanted to become stronger and fought every trainer willing to take her on. Along with her eevee she took on the gyms and started realizing her love for psychic types. She searched until she found herself an abra, taking it with her to train. Being around her psychic Pokémon soon awakened her own psychic gift. One day in the midst of a tough battle against a poacher, who was trying to steal her Pokémon, her abra started glowing. He evolved into a kabara and beat the man.
After lots of travel she went from region to region, catching more Pokémon and challenging the gyms. Along the way fighting powerful trainers to improve her skills. She eventually challenged the elite four in a different region, losing before making it to the champion. She headed back home, with a heavy heart at the lose. She began training even harder, sparing with her parent’s Pokémon to become stronger. After years of working on her skill she traveled to the Kimchi region. By this time all her pokemon had evolved. She challenged the gyms and trainers. After a long journey of traveling and becoming stronger. She then took the test to become a gym leader. She dedicated her time and goal to pushing trainers to becoming stronger.
Kitiara_fox · Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 09:14pm · 0 Comments |