----------------- heart
Jeff sauntered over to Spoog. Smiling in wicked pleasure she ran her fingertips up his chest. Resting her hands lightly on his shoulders she pressed herself close.
Damn these allergies!
Suddenly, small hands were caressing Jeffs as they lay innocently atop Spoogs shoulders. Spoog was practically a puddle of goo for it was none other that Lunar Sprinkles pressed against him from behind, while Jeff was still tightly plastered to his front.
Sorry. This is a particularly bad allergy attack.
Tails had just entered the room and seen the massive puddle of goo that was Spoog. His eyes lighting up in excitement he rushed over. Placing one hand atop Sprinkles which was atop Jennessa's he let his other hand gently caress Spoogs left hip.
Damn. I don't think I've ever had a case get this bad.
The four collapsed to the floor entwined. A massive pile of writhing arms and legs, caressing Spoog all willy nilly. Twinkie was not there in body, but her spirit washed over them, almost tangible, like a thick blanket of eroticism.
Oh my.
As they all writhed passionately Pinkie walked by with a bowl of chocolate frosting. Stopping she plunged her finger into the bowl and held it out for Spoog to lick. He did so with lusty vigor, eyeing her..... erotically. Running to the kitchen, Pinkie grabbed a spoon. She came back quickly and began to drizzle the chocolate frosting all over the four writhing bodies.
... eek
A distant moaning could be heard. It could only be Twinkie her nose once again plundered by Aki's knowing fingers. They all stopped for a moment listening to her urgent pleas that he move up and a little to the left. Twinkies passion fueling their own they began to writhe and caress more vigorously, the frosting acting as a natural lubricant.
... I can't... stop.
Smiling wickedly, Pinkie placed her still chocolately finger into spoogs right ear. He maoned in orgasmic pleasure. Taking this as a sign Jennessa slowly peeled his left sneaker off, tossing it aside in her haste to get to the other foot. Sprinkles watched, Trembling with a need to peel off Tail's Hat, but still new the sensual game she did not know how to begin. Sensing her need Spoog Ripped of Tail's hat with reckless abandon.
Sweet Jesus!
TWINKIE! Get the antidote!!!
Aki slid himself sensuously against the doorjamb leading to the other room. Twinkies desperate pants could be heard through the open door. He eyed the pile of writhing bodies, Pinkies chocolately finger in Spoog's ear, spoogs discarded shoes, Tail's forgotten hat and grinned in wicked anticipation. Running toward them he did a flying swan dive through the air, his clothes disappearing until he was only clothed in his vintage 1940's ladies swimming suit. He landed in the pile with a slight squelching noise, a collective moan erupting from all participants.
TWINKIE!!! gonk
Twinkie-"Jeff... The olives are gone!"
Twinkie burst into the room, gripping the sides of the doorjamb. She looked around the room, her eyes Wild. Her hair was in complete disarray and her shirt was torn in three.. no four places. From underneath Jennessa Aki thrust his finger into the air in open invitation. Twinkies nostrils flared twice before she tackled Pinkie in her haste to get to Aki's magical fingers. It was as if a chocolate volcano had gone off, its contents spewed forth from the pile of bodies. Another collective moan went up, this time with a good dose of crying out for more.
Twinkie-"um...Jeff....I found a can."
Dammit woman! Hand them over!
Twinkie-*hesitates* "They're expired. You know what happened last time."
I don't care! Give me the Damn Olives!!
Twinkie-"Jeff! No. It could get worse... NOT THE WHOLE CAN!!!! SPIT.. IT... OUT!"
*Jeff stills* eek
Rolling around the floor in a desperate attempt to crawl into each other skin, the group accidentally jarring the stereo. Billy Idol's song Flesh For Fantasy burst forth from the speakers in all its angsty sexual gglory. Jeff sat up within the pile, her eyes growing wide. Grabbing the first available body, which just happened to be Aki she thrust her hand into his vintage swimming suit, her fingernails grazing the back of his knees. Aki's back arched in pure ecstasy. Forcing Sprinkles most errogenous zone.... her earlobe, to brush up against Spoogs naked foot. Grabbing Tails Hair she cried out with wild abandon, Tails licking the backs of spoogs knees all the while.
Damn. It did get worse.
Twinkie-" Then we'll just have to let it run its natural course..."
*twinkie and Jeff exchange glances and utter* Oh.. ********.
Pinkie stuck her other chocolatey finger into Tail's bellybutton. Twinkie played footsie with Aki as Spoog licked the side of her face, causing her to shiver in pure delight. Grasping spoogs face to her breast, Twinkie gave him massive Wubbies. Taking Twinkies lead Sprinkles thrust her breasts to the forefront, causing Tails face to collide with them, the force thrusting him across the room onto a well placed couch. Tail's crawled back like a large cat on the sexy prowl. Stopping to install a stripper's pole before tossing Aki out of the pile. Pulling out his pink feathery boa Aki shimmied up the pole like an expert. All eyes swiveled to Aki's dance of smut. Each member scrambled for there purses and wallets. Whipping out their dollars they clamored for Aki's attention.
Twinkie! It wearing off! Thank god!
Twinkie-"I dunno, I think it's kinda getting interesting..."
The groups eyes flowed over the flare of Aki's luscious hips as he swirled around the pole. Suddenly The double doors burst open and Bright light flooded the room. The group shaded their eyes trying to discern who had opened the door as fog slithered across the floor. The click of heels approached and the group held their breath in lusty anticipation. Each prayed for the one person that could make all their sexual fantasies come true. Little did they know they were all praying for the same person....
Its almost over. Thank god!
A collective gasp went up as.... Professor Snape entered the room. A heveanly halo of light shining around his godlike visage. Aki fell right of his pole, gasping for air. Curling his lip Snape uttered the nine sexiest words on the planet. "Ten points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable Know-it-all."
Jennessa's eyes rolled back into her head before she collapsed in Spoogs lap. Sprinkles and Pinkie clutched one another their eyes shining with hero worship. Spoog and Tails could do naught but utter incoherent babblings such as Hominahominahomina, and Abuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuh. Aki thrust his finger into Twinkies nose as she smiled fawningly and said "Oh professor. You know I'm in Ravenclaw!" Snape tugged at his cuff links in preparation and raised a sexy eyebrow, before glancing puzzled at his pantleg. Lo and behold there was Jennessa humping away.
The Moral of our Story.....
Twinkie-"Where the ******** are the Snickerdoodles?!"