I hope Dylan reads that thing before. Anyway, I'm just bored and I decided to write again. Today was the fielday and it was.. ok. Haha yeah it was. Marquesha and Jake were fighting. Well, Marquesha wanted to slam Jake, but Jake did nothing. Let's see. Christopher ******** Dolores kept making fun of me when Bernard left and Maggie and Dylan ganged up and cussed him out. Haha. THANK YOU, YOU TWO!! U GUYS ARE THE BOMB. Lol. Yesterday night I baked Dylan's cake and came up with the M&M's theme. Maggie came up with the green theme, so I just put them together. I spelled out Happy Bday and put a smiley face with some stiches on the sides. I felt bad because Bernard actually brought icing for the cake. So, sorry Bernard. Lol, I had fun though. Ok back to fielday. Maggie, Eric, Dylan, Bernard, Jake, some other people, Christopher, and I were in back of the bleachers. Instead of cheering on our team, we'd rather sit and wait till it was over. But man, it wasn't as much fun as last years. Last year, we were ******** having fun. Yelling at the other teams and holding up signs, but wow.. this year sucked. Idk why. It's our last year and it sucks a**. Well, im hoping it'll get better. Anyway, i'm gonna go now.
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