song+ none really ^^; book+ jrr tolkien // author of the century scent+ ummm .. o.o? xD dunno. quest+ to think of a quest ^^; maybe nitemare parasol? upper+ faire is coming soon .. love for my Ryuu as well <3 downer+ stupid depression ;_; attire+ white tank, sleepy pants, shawl drink+ nada
*Sweeps away the old post, pins up a new one.*
Gahh I feel like such a zombie. ;_o;;; So much to do but no energy to do it .. bleeehhhh.
My muse is so dead. X_o; So I think I'll give up on trying to be creative and just let it come to me if it will at all ..
Tomorrow I've got to cash my check, pay the rent, and pa the other bills too really. o_X; I don't wanna. Stupie bills.
;_; I won't have any money left over for Scarborough if my old job doesn't send my last check in time.
Meanwhile I'm hoping my faerie wings get sent soon whee they're so so so pretty in the pictures .. *drool* I want to be able to wear them with my costume and frolic .. whee
This is a picture of them in black .. mine will be shimmery white. eek

Still working on Tom Shippey's book .. I lurff the Anglo-Saxon language. heart
Gahh well. xD Here is a random quizilla thing since I can't think of anything else to say. sweatdrop
Well I can, but it's to much to want to think about right now ..
I love you more than words can say, Ryuu. ;___;
 What's your anime pet? o.O;
The Viscount · Mon Apr 03, 2006 @ 07:23am · 2 Comments |