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Reiko says.....
Time for the first entry in over a year!

I'm going to start off with a Sonnet I ended up writing in English and as it developed I realized it was similar and kind've rhymed and it made me think of a friend soo...

As night falls with the deepest dark intent,
A single figure runs for the bright moon.
Panicked breaths fall dead with a slow lament,
But alas, someone can't just meet their doom.
Break for the sky when the chance has risen.
Run fast, no one deserves the fate to come.
Don't look back or recall where you came from.
All thats left is to reach the place called home,
To reach the one place where nothing can harm
Once there and calm work off the frightful charm.
Mistress of the stars, daughter of the night.
Has woken to the dream that caused her fright.

Might I just say that even though the Sonnet wasn't necessarily about Love which most Sonnets are. But it DID get a 100 and "Excellent" on the top on the FIRST TRY.

(For those that it didn't make sense to; my english teacher lets me rewrite any writing (essays, poems, story, etc) until I get a 100.)


heart Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to my Favorite Foreigners. heart

Kyuuketsuki Reiko
Community Member
Kyuuketsuki Reiko
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  • User Comments: [1] [add]
    Monako SM
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Oct 10, 2011 @ 09:18pm
    Mistress of the stars huh?
    Rather lovely thank you.
    <3 And happy Thanksgiving from Canada!

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