Name: Hitsuji Age: 20 Sex: Female Species: Sheep Height: 5'1 Weight: 190 Ibs
Appearance: - Hair and fur: Her fur is a beautiful, bright white color. Her hair goes to the middle of her back, is curly, and white.
- Markings: On her cheek is a small scar from when she was younger (if that counts) - Eye color: Sky blue - Other features: She has b cup breasts, but its something you can't really tell thanks to her frilly/poofy dress. Her fur is poofy and gets dirty very easily, most of the time she has a stream of tears going down her face (from being a scaredy cat) Behavior and Personality: Unless she really knows you, she is very shy and timid as well as a scaredy cat. She tends to cry a lot around strangers (especially dogs). Once she gets to know a person though, she's up and at it, being extremely hyper. When she's sleepy, she becomes very adorable and likes to nuzzle her fur against someone. Same goes for when she's awake. She's also a huge klutz and can't be trusted to carry anything around with her.
Skills: Keeping people warm, and teaching new things to others Weaknesses: She is a scaredy sheep, she has a hard time trusting others
Likes: - Her fur - Spring - Summer - Nice people - Peace - hugging - Tea cups - Cartoons - Books Dislikes: - Shears - Ghosts - Fighting - The dark - antique dolls - Scary dogs - Mean people
Clothing/Personal Style: She wears a white, frilly dress with poofy sleeves that go around her shoulders and lace at the bottom, on her feet are long, lacy white socks and a pair of white, fancy shoes. On her hands are her mothers white, silky gloves. The lace, petticoat, buttons, and frills are purple. Reference of outfit:

Goal: To learn how to be brave and to become a teacher Profession: does blanket count? Personal quote: Never give up on your dreams. Its just a reach away. Theme song: Imagine - John Lennon Birthdate: September 17, 1991 Star sign: Virgo
Favorite food: Strawberries Favorite drink: Tea Favorite location: Any kind of field Favorite weather: Sunny Favorite color: White and Pink (she can't decide)
Least liked food: lamb chops Least liked drink: Any kind of soda Least liked location: Haunted areas Least liked weather: Snow
Favorite person: Her mom (for now) Least liked person: Any dog Friends: Her dad Relations: N/a Enemies: The person who killed her mommy Significant other: N/a Orientation: Bisexual
Reference pictures:
 Drawn by: Kiwi Hayes
 Signature of the artist on the picture
Sheepy Mareep · Sun Jan 29, 2012 @ 07:17am · 0 Comments |