-------Username: BSPBleach
-------Name in Guild: Gwenhwyfar Careen Zigfhrid aka. Gwen (I swear, Zigfhrid is a real name!)
-------Specimen: Altered/Enhanced Human. Possesed.
-------Description: Gwen has long redish silvery hair and purple eyes. She's 5'8" and 125lbs. Normally she's very friendly but cautious. Having been most places on the planet, she speaks many languages and there is little she doesn't like.
-------History: Gwen's mother was sold to the labs young for genetics testing on embryos. Gwen was selected to test a set of specialized genetics for an assasin. The testings gave her enhanced human senses, like extra strength, vision, hearing and the lot. The genetics also gave her a natural ability for killing and handling weapons. She could feel the life of other people and know exatcly what the easiest way to kill the life was. From the moment she was born the scientists spent every moment training her natural abilities and the abilities they gave to her. Though she was always uncorfortable around people, she was trained to handle any number of people well. When she turned 9 the scientists started herining in assasination. Unable to handle killing oher beings and the dreams the killing brought, Gwen started to develop a split personality disorder, randomly switching between herself, and a blood lusting monster version of herself. During one of her training missions, a local N'drigner named Tzeen'tailyn took advantage of her growing disorder and used Gwen as a host. Tzen'tai made a deal with Gwen that if she never summoned Tzeen'tai's powers, then Tzen'tai would be a submissive parasite and lend Gwen her powers. Agrreing to the deal, Gwen went like nothing happened. When she turned 16, Tzeen'tai grew bored of the boring lab routine and encouraged Gwen to run away. After a few months Gwen decided to run away as Tzeen'tai wished using one of her training missions to kill her guards and escape. Having mastered her abilities already, she avoided the scientists searches and was eventually left alone to explore the world and learn as she wished. Hearing about the Academy burning down, she remembered some prisoners and scientists tallking about the place and decided to check it out thinking that teaching was one of the few things she hadn't done yet.
--------Defect: due to be posessed, and from the labs and killing, Gwen has terrible nightmares, and sometimes night terrors (when your having a nightmare but awake) causing insomnia and chonic migraines. Due to the experiments she also has an insatable bloodlust, but trained Tzeen'tai to control that part of her.
-------Age of arrival (age they came to the labs) : N/A she was born into the labs.
-------Current Age: 20
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She dresses more like this though -v
![User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.](https://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/s.gif)
------Name: Tzen'tailyn Dredkn Scrair aka. Tzen'tai
------Age: 7 millinea give or take a century
------Bio: Tzen'tai is part of a clan of female N'drigner that are tasked with hunting down Ni'drigner that disobey the rules of their master. Tzen'tai is one of the clans prized huntresses, but because of her lack of motivation to do anything, she often hides in hosts to avoid work.
------Specimen: N'drigner (or simply, deamon) A N'drigner is a vicous deamon who hunts for bodies to posses and hide in, feeding off the host's soul to gain power. In return the host is given increased longevity, deamon senses (meaning things like multi-planar vision) and those who leanr to control the N'drigner can train it to perform a certain responsability of the hosts souls (example, Gwen uses it to control her emotions, mainly bloodlust)
------Desription: A N'drigner looks like their host with a few of their deamonic attributes when in control. Tzen'tai while in Gwen would look like the ref. pic. If she was every freed, she would be invisible to those without multi-planar vision, or other form of extra sense perception, though those who do possess it would see her true form.
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Tzen'tai, host form
![User Image](https://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmbsehAow41qjzq1wo1_500.jpg)
Tzen'tai, true form[/ablign]
BSPBleach · Wed Mar 14, 2012 @ 04:26pm · 0 Comments