Username: Kunder of the Lich Character’s Name: Theodore Rosenfaust Alternate/Code Name: Thunderbolt, or Chaplin Role: Knight Age: Twenty-eight Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Ranking: Corporal/Chaplin Abilities/Talent: Theodore is a lucky guy, as his power is ferromancy by contact. So practically anything made of metal is able to be shaped to any form or size. This means a knife or blade of any sort could be pulled apart and dissolved before it even penetrated Theodore's body. However, Theodore is damn tough, so he is likely to allow a minor injury like a knife wound. Moreso, Theodore is proficient in ranged and melee combat, as his giant metal fist can attest to that. On top of all this, his suit boosts his already considerable strength, and is exceptionally durable. Weakness: A big metal suit is really conductive, as well as being a big target. Also, his mobility is severely limited by said suit, and he has many blindspots. His speed is often laughable, considering the amount of gear he uses. Also, since it is contact ferromancy, he can't stop that occasional RPG warhead fired at him with his power. Fire and ice are also two big concerns, as one can boil him alive, and cook off rounds, while the other can flash freeze him in his suit. Lastly, unlike other Knights, who revel in killing mutants, Theodore has a conscious, and would rather use the live and let live, however, Theodore has orders against such policy. Weapons: A 13mm Gungnir belt fed machinegun, with underslung Hellfury 40mm Weapon System carrying 6 40mm HE or Gas rounds. The 13mm Gunnir has on odd ammo belt, with every six rounds is a tracer, and the rest of the rounds are used as IAIs, or, Action Incendiaries. A chain blade accompanies his arsenal for when enemies get close, and the bayonet doesn't work. And his suit's pneumatic fist is fairly useful in a bind. For anti-mutant purposes, he will fire off Tear gas rounds from his Hellfury. History: Theodore was born a little ways outside of Citadel city, and was raised in fiercely Catholic, and fiercely anti-mutant household. Theodore often got the lecture of mutants, and their sin, how they were the devil's manifestation. But then again, a whole myriad of things were the devil's manifestation to Theodore's parents. And so, raised in the Catholic fashion, Theodore never saw much of the world, or its darker side, atleast till he was booted out of the house. For a few years, Theodore worked at a construction site, then as he neared twenty-two, he enlisted, trying to find a better use in his life. While in the military, he worked on becoming an ordained Catholic priest. By the time he was twenty-seven, he became his company's Chaplin, and got an unusual letter from one Alessandre, asking for his assistance. Theodore's response was quick, only asking if it would return him state-side. When the answer was yes, Theodore accepted with much enthusiasm. But he soon found, he was imprisoning not enemies, but other American citizens. He has often criticized the government and its way of doing things to the mutants. This has caused many demotions and problems with his place in the Knights. Appearance:
Kunder of the Lich · Wed Jul 31, 2013 @ 06:52am · 0 Comments |