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Hulkzilla's brain
whats in my brain at the moment
Shaolin soccer and sore pants
I rented a movie calle dShaolin Soccer. It i smy favoritest movie ever. I lovers it. Not nearly as much as my gf tho...loving her is its own emotion. Nothing can describe it. I have sore pants. They have a scratch in them rom my brothers dumb bike. I need new pants ...lots and lots of new pants. and i need to practise guitar more. Because i suck royally. I like my topic name. I should narrarate my life for a week like Peter griffin from Family guy

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Come Get Your Chat On
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Sep 30, 2004 @ 04:18pm
awww *kisses you* I love you too hun haha yes you totally should do what Peter Griffin did that would kick a** and you do not suck royally on guitar... it was sooo cute when you were playing it for me heart

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