Angels Of The Seven Heavens
First Heaven (Shamayim)
The lowest heaven, Shamayim borders the Earth and is ruled by Gabriel. It contains the clouds, the winds, the Upper Waters, and is home to the two hundred astronomer-angels who preside over the stars.
Second Heaven (Raquia)
Raquia is ruled by the angels Zachariel and Raphael, and, according to Enoch, it is within this heaven that the fallen angels are imprisoned waiting final judgment in complete darkness.
Third Heaven (Shehaqim)
According to Enoch, hell lies within the northern boundaries of the third heaven. Sagun is ruled over by Anahel and three subordinate saraim: Jagniel, Rabacyel, and Dalquiel, and is the residence for Izra'il, the Islamic angel of death. It is here that the wicked are tortured by angels. In the southern regions, however, there exists a bountiful paradise, thought to be the Garden of Eden, where the souls of the righteous will come after death.
Fourth Heaven (Machanon)
Ruled by Michael, the fourth heaven, "Is the site of the heavenly Jerusalem, the holy Temple and its Altar" (Godwin, p. 122). It is here that, according to Enoch, that the Garden of Eden is actually housed, not in the third heaven.
Fifth Heaven (Mathey)
Machon is home to God, Aaron, and the avenging angels. The northern boundaries are said to be ruled by Sandalphon. It is also home to the fallen Grigori (watchers). In the southern regions, on the other hand, reside the ministering angels who endlessly change the praises of the Lord.
Sixth Heaven (Zebul)
The sixth heaven is ruled by Zebul,(by day), and Sabath,(by night). This stormy, snow ridden dwelling is home to the seven phoenixes and the seven cherubim who sing the praises of God. A multitude of other angelic beings also reside here who study an array of subjects including astronomy, ecology, the seasons, and mankind.
Seventh Heaven (Araboth)
The holiest of heavens. Araboth is ruled by Cassiel and is home to God on his Divine Throne. It is also home to the highest orders of angels--the seraphim, cherubim, and thrones.
The Seventh Heaven is the abode of human souls waiting to be born. It is also the seat of God; of Zagzagel, prince of the Torah; and the dwelling place of the seraphim, hayyoth, etc. It is in the 7th Heaven that Isaiah has a glimpse of God and the Christ and "hears the Most high dictating the program on his (Christs) earthly manifestation and return."
In Enoch 2,8, the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life are both found in the 3rd Heaven. The Zohar mentions 390 Heavens and 70,000 worlds. The gnostic Basilides vouched for 365 Heavens; Jellenek (in Beth Ha-Midrasch) recalls a legend which tells of 955 Heavens. In Enoch 2 the Heavens number 10. Here the 8th Heaven is called Muzaloth. The 9th Heaven, home of the 12 signs of the zodiac, is called Kukhavim. The 10th, where Enoch saw the "vision of the face of the Lord", is called Aravoth (Hebrew term for the 12 signs of the Zodiac). The confusion of the Heavens is clear here from the fact that the signs of the zodiac do not lodge in the Heavens named after them.
The notion of the 7 Heavens appears in The Testament Of The Twelve Patriarchs and other Jewish apocrypha, and was familiar to the ancient Persians and Babylonians. The Persians pictured the Almighty in the highest of the 7 Heavens, "seated on a great white throne, surrounded by winged cherubim." The Koran also speaks of 7 Heavens.
The High Angels
AMARUSHAYA (Cherubim)- Blessings
AMITIEL (Manifesting Angel) - Truth
ANAEL (Golden Light Angel) - Passion
ANANCHEL (Cherubim) - Grace
ARIEL (Cherubim) - Nature
CERVIEL (Golden Light Angel) - Courage
CHAMUEL (Archangel) - Adoration
CHARMIENE (Mother's Angel) - Harmony
FORTUNATA (Cherubim) - Prosperity
GABRIEL (Archangel) - Resurrection
GALGALIEL (Inner Angel) - Vibration
HADRANIEL (Heart Angel) - Love
HAMIED (Seraphim) - Miracles
IOFIEL (Manifesting Angel) - Beauty
ISRAFEL (Archangel) - Music
JAMAERAH (Manifesting Angel) - Manifestation
JOPHIEL (Archangel) - Creative Power
KAEYLARAE (Golden Light Angel) - Peace
METATRON (Archangel) - Thought
MICAH (Mother's Angel) - Divine Plan
MICHAEL (Archangel) - Protection
MIHR (Archangel) - Relationship
NATHANIEL (Inner Angel) - Fire
NISROC (Seraphim) - Freedom
ONGKANON (Manifesting Angel) - Communication
OONIEMME (Heart Angel) - Gratitude
PASCHAR (Heart Angel) - Vision
PHANUEL (Golden Light Angel) - Hope
RAMAELA (Archangel) - Joy
RAPHAEL (Archangel) - Healing
RAZIEL (Manifesting Angel) - Knowledge
REMIEL (Golden Light Angel) - Mercy
REMLIEL (Mother's Angel) - Awakening
SANDALPHON (Seraphim) - Power
SHEKINAH (Inner Angel) - Unity
SHUSIENAE (Archangel) - Purity
SOQED HOZI (Heart Angel) - Partnership
STAMERA (Golden Light Angel) - Forgiveness
URIEL (Archangel) - Ministration
UZZIEL (Mother's Angel) - Faith
ZACHARAEL (Seraphim) - Surrender
ootz · Thu Jun 29, 2006 @ 02:22pm · 0 Comments |