blacque_ops: Raimus struck the wall and slumped down, his arm striking the counter and toppling medical equipment in a clamor. He raised his eyes and shook his head. "You're wrong,' he managed to hiss, as he reached behind him and drew a small pistol. It was hardly a weapon that would be able to take out a vampire of her age, but he shook his head, defying her orders to the best of his ability, knowing full well that he couldn't fight against them. "You won't make it out of this complex with her. The wards are up, you have to walk out of here like a human and you'll be struck down by sheer numbers" he stated. The gun was lifted and he placed it against his temple. "They will continue what I have started, your lies have no ground here!" he trigger was pulled and the bang of the gun resonated blacque_ops: throughout the room time and again, well after Raimus body lay slumped against the wall, blood arched across the counter and wall in pools that collected about his dead body. Corey lead Deane down the steps to Lafita and Crux and sat Deane down and cupped hre cheeks. There was an odd, detached look in his eyes. It was the look of a man who was standing because others expected him to. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Trust me Deane," he offered. "I haven't hurt you and I trust Lafita to bring Raven back to me, I trust her to bring my child back." he stated. Joseph spoke suddenly to Lafita I have my new child and she's beautiful tell me darling how are things on your end? he inquired. Corey turned to Lafita. "Take only as much as you need from Deane, so that she blacque_ops: isn't too weak," he offered to Lafita. "We still have to fight once we get there," he explained. Joseph smiled and peered down at Jayla. "My God, you should see yourself. You were beautiful alive but now you're divine," he offered as he ran his fingertips down the side of her face and slid his fingertips over one of her full breasts. He ascended suddenly from the bed and grabbed a mirror and handed it to her. "Look," he offered as he descended and kissed her stomach. blacque_ops: scarlet_shalom: Jessica only stood by an watched as Ramius spoke. If only..he knew. She shook her head, "Foolishness.." She said, but it was one last thing she'd have to worry about. Jessica used her knowledge to remove all of Raven's IV's in the appropriate manner, making sure to take care of her with special care. This woman was special, and she need to be taken care of in a way no other hunter was. Jessica brushed her cheeks, her forehead, waiting for warmth to return to her..a sense of life. Oh, Raven was breathing of course, but she had been supported by machines for the last two weeks, if not longer. Jessica put her hand over the woman's stomach, "Your little girl will be everyone's salvation..but not the way they expect. With your daughter will come the weapon..the great we blacque_ops: scarlet_shalom: the forsaken..and their virus. When that happens..I can die..knowing I helped..to bring our demise.." She whispered, almost dreamlike. She lifted the woman off of the bed and looked towards the door, beyond Ramius's dead body. She wasn't sure if there was enough of a head left for him to turn, but if there was, it wouldn't take long. Jessica was debating trying the shadow step, from level to level..it would be complicated..or she could wait until Raven was awake and try to explain it to her. Lafita stepped forward as she looked at Corey and Deana and Crux, her eyes narrowed for a moment. She was the most powerful creature in the room, and she looked at Deana..the only living being in the room. Lafita's eyes connected with hers, and Deana took a step back, "You can t blacque_ops: scarlet_shalom: asked briefly, her voice brisk and almost accusing. Lafita paused, "I will not betray Corey.." Lafita was fighting, already with the pain in her own heart. She was divided, one telling her to steal the information for herself..so she would have Raven, and the child would be hers, but..Corey.. She looked at him for a final time, before Deana allowed her to get close enough. When she did, Lafita took the hunter in her arms and she bit her..she bit her deeply, and she drank. Lafita shuddered faintly as she did, and Deana cried out..Lafita held her in her arms as she trembled in ecstasy. Deana's arms wrapped around Lafita weakly..and Lafita drew in images of everything..Ramius speaking to her, all of their private conversations..and Deana's dream partially that of Ramius blacque_ops: scarlet_shalom: asked briefly, her voice brisk and almost accusing. Lafita paused, "I will not betray Corey.." Lafita was fighting, already with the pain in her own heart. She was divided, one telling her to steal the information for herself..so she would have Raven, and the child would be hers, but..Corey.. She looked at him for a final time, before Deana allowed her to get close enough. When she did, Lafita took the hunter in her arms and she bit her..she bit her deeply, and she drank. Lafita shuddered faintly as she did, and Deana cried out..Lafita held her in her arms as she trembled in ecstasy. Deana's arms wrapped around Lafita weakly..and Lafita drew in images of everything..Ramius speaking to her, all of their private conversations..and Deana's dream partially that of Ramius Meghan: Lafita spoke softly, "Give her an hour.." She spoke, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. She had released Deana with a great deal of effort, the hunter shuddering in her arms. Lafita looked..alive. She smiled, "I will give you the time.." Lafita had everything she needed now, and her voice was broken..sadness to Joseph..Lafita's distance voice was expressing that she was in tears, and it echoed, -Corey's Child-. With that echo were those broken images, and everything she had received. She looked at Corey, "I will bring..Raven back.." She looked away, she would be on her way. Jayla looked at herself in the mirror, in awe..her eyes narrowed a moment. She looked down at Joseph as he kissed her, and she felt the unmistakable urge to drink..to have herself a mortal. Jayla Meghan: Meghan: knew nothing of the fight..and of RIVA. She knew only Joseph..and he..was now her world. She brushed her fingers through his hair, marveling at the feel beneath her fingers. She whispered, "It is..ecstasy..it is wonder..it is..life.." She replied, her voice having an inner strength like none he had seen of his previous..selections. Meghan: blacque_ops: Joseph grinned a bit at Jayla's reaction and smiled as the images filtered throughout his mind Well.. I must say this is becoming far too easy you don't suppose that your clever little play toy is trying to pit us against each other... be careful and don't make any moves without coming to see me first. We need to discuss this matter. he stated. Suddenly he realized that there was far more to this Corey than anyone had ever thought. Especially Derrick. If Derrick knew that he did, or assumed that he did, then Derrick would have killed him a long time ago. Joseph though thought nothing more of it and turned back to Jayla and smiled. "Hungry aren't you?" he inquired with a smile. "That's the life of being one of us. Now we have to go find you something pretty to chew on. Some blacque_ops: -c- blacque_ops: strong male or another. Maybe a visit to your old friend Trish?" he inquired. "It's always nice to take from someone you have feelings for. It keeps the bond strong and close to home. That and they tend to be closer to you if you play your cards right," he stated. Corey nodded his head and watched Lafita depart and then turned to Crux. There was a great deal he wanted to accomplish but for now he had to watch over Deane. He sat down on the bed and pulled Crux onto his lap and sighed softly. "Have I made the right choice beloved?" he inquired. "I want to know that Raven is well." blacque_ops: afk dogs Meghan: Jessica decided it was better that she didn't wait, and it would take a lot of manauvering and a lot of hunters would have to die..but they were willing to sacrifice this child to save their own lives. She was sure Ramius would have put in someone to attempt to stop her..perhaps a trained individual, but it wouldn't matter..Jessica was more powerful than anything these hunters could conjure. Jessica stepped out of view of the camera's and faded into the shadows with Raven in her arms. The two traveled just outside a rush of hunters, going towards the direction of the main room. She heard shouts of, "She's not there?!""What happened to Ramius?!""He shot himself?!?!" Many confused phrases were being thrown out, and at that time, she started to manauver her way through halls, using her Meghan: Meghan: sense of hearing to make sure she was chosing the right paths to take. When one or two to a group of five hunters would find her, she'd destroy them..slicing their heads from their bodies after setting down the woman carefully of course. The hunters wouldn't dream of harming Raven, but they would do anything to kill Jessica..they didn't know who she was..she was still waiting to see if Ramius employed someone against her. Jayla looked at Joseph and shook her head, "This isn't for her.." She told him, her brows knitting for a moment. She shifted briefly before looking over him, "Someone..I don't know.." She said. She wanted to kill something, that natural urge was there..but something told her to keep Trish far from this scene. She looked at Joseph, "You almost seem..distracted.." Meghan: Meghan: She said, grinning..noticing the little things here and there. Lafita responded,-Raven's child..is Corey's child..but how is that possible?- Lafita faded through the shadows, coming to where Joseph was..she arrived in a matter of moments, looking at the two naked before her. Jayla looked at her, a sense of warning passing over her head. This woman didn't..feel right. Jayla said nothing. Lafita folded her arms over her chest..no one had any clue what Jessica was doing. Lafita spoke, "I can't..hand...I must.." Her brows furrowed, there was confusion on her face, "Me..or him..or her..this doesn't seem right.." She admitted finally, as she looked towards Joseph, unsure. Deana laid there recovering, Crux looking towards Corey as she leaned against him, "I believe you have.." She told Meghan: Meghan: him softly, "I believe in you.." She whispered to him, "You are not a forsaken.." She whispered, "You are more human..than the humans.." Her lids fluttered softly as she leaned into him, "Don't leave me Corey..promise me..you won't ever..leave me.." Derrick was still no where to be found in this jumbled mess of confusion..not looking for Lafita or Joseph, not meddling with Deana, Corey and Crux..and he didn't know where the establishment was..there was nothing he was involving himself in, or so it seemed. Meghan: blacque_ops: Joseph smiled. "Good girl, that's why I chose you," he offered as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. Slowly he stood her up and slid behind her once Lafita appeared. "Lafita my dearest, this is Jayla, isn't she lovely," he offered as he slid his hand down Jayla's back and stepped forward. He pressed his lips to Lafita's cheek and sighed. "Because he impregnated her before he turned completely," he surmised simply enough. "Now, we have the location of Raven and the child. That means all we need to do is pick them up," he offered. "It's all very simple, however I think Corey told you so that when you departed, Derrick would be your opposition. You would be fodder for Derrick, and they could either attempt to kill Derrick, or let you take him on. Either way it would keep Derrick blacque_ops: -c- blacque_ops: occupied he said. He sighed and sat down, completely naked and not caring. "Corey's a smart one. He knows he can't take Derrick, so he's using everything to his advantage. Whether his concious mind thought of it or not. A part of him engineered this," he stated. "Get dressed Jayla, we'll go hunting tonight," he offered with a warm smile. "Care to come Lafita?" he inquired. "Now that we know where Raven is, we can grab her at our leisure," he explained. "So relax and stop fretting my love." Joseph would gather his clothing and begin dressing himself. Corey turned to Crux and hugged her tight against his body. "I love you Crux, I won't leave you behind," he stated. "You're mine forever, I won't let you go," he said as he raised his right hand and brushed his fingertips through her blacque_ops: -c- blacque_ops: hair gently. Meghan: Jessica continued through each level, she could almost sense her time shortening. Her eyes narrowed, she moved faster..she had a challenge, each group was well armed..but most of them never fired before they were dead..they never had the chance to come back. Their heads were removed with a curved katana, the katana Jessica had used to slay the Queen of the kingdom who had forced them into exile..and now the way she saw it, it was a bitter-sweet justice. She was almost to the surface. Lafita looked at Jayla, then towards Joseph..her brows furrowing for a moment, "No..I need time to think..I should go now..to the complex. Something isn't right about all this..Derrick would have normally shown himself by now.." She didn't know the traitor already had Raven and was getting her out of the Meghan: Meghan: complex. If she knew...Lafita would have gone simply out of hatred, and the sheer fact that she wanted Jessica's head on a spike, or decorating her wall. The other eight had a hatred for her that was unmatched by any, short of the Devil's anguish towards God. Lafita would seeth at the very thought of Jessica even knowing about the situation..or even that she was in the same location unaware. Lafita looked off to the side, "I wonder..what has kept us..from knowing the location..the wards..how did Ramius know that magic..?" She asked herself, looking at Joseph, "There was another vampire involved here..someone strong..an elder for certain.." She explained. Things were not adding up completely, "And I already know that Corey was using me for that purpose..but if I were close to death Meghan: Meghan: or dying..he would throw himself in the way. It is his love..his gift and his curse. He would rather die than see any of the women he has grown attached to..perish.." Jayla sat and listened to this, easing a bit about Lafita's presence. Oddly, she didn't feel jealous about the connection Joseph and Lafita shared..normally, she would have stepped in the way..but it was like she felt the bond between them and knew the scars, and didn't doubt Lafita would harm him again. Lafita caught scent of the thought, just barely, and she looked at Jayla..her eyes burrowing into her, and Jayla turned away. Lafita looked back towards Joseph, before shaking her head, "I need to find her..Raven. What if Derrick knows but is playing us..? He has been known to be silent in that way..in his plans. Meghan: Meghan: He's so obsessed with Raven..he is crazy enough to do it..and that means he meant to take down Ramius.." She said, "And he might have Raven by now.." Jayla didn't know who this Raven was, but she sounded important. Crux leaned against Corey, nuzzilng softly against him, "I love you so much..you are everything to me.." She whispered, "You are the only one who I truly care for.." She brushed her fingers through his hair, and she kissed him. She broke away for a moment, glancing off to the side..almost as if she heard cries of blood, "Listen.." She whispered, "The dead cry out..this is horrible!" She announced..the souls of the dead hunters were weeping, weeping in freedom and despair..crying out their hatred from such scarred souls. It echoed..over the world, from the deep recess of Meghan: Meghan: the Wyoming complex..they cried out. Lafita looked up..Derrick looked up, Jayla noticed it..the other forsaken scattered about the world noticed it..the world seemed to silence for a moment when the cries would stop..only the mortal world went on..uneffected. Meghan:
ootz · Thu Jun 29, 2006 @ 02:30pm · 0 Comments |