well, I will never get caught up in the world of Stargate because I don't have cable or sateilite. so, I may abandon the screenplay. I think that my second idea would have been better but I don't think it will make it either. I am too far behind the times and ddj has that conartist girly to play with on that series and ms's real wife is going to play a doctor on the series so they will probably hook up and then there goes my whole plot idea for my screenplay so I am going to throw in the towel on that one. If anyone out there thinks that it might be a mistake to give up just write me and let me know. I tried so hard and that what sucks. I wasted a lot of precious time on this hoowee. I think I will go back to being a wife and cashier and let it go. I don't think I am leaving Iowa any time soon now. yuck! I wanted to be a writer and it has lost its luster. And teaching just won't do for me. I want to write! Oh, well. What ever will be will be. I hope someday the writing thing will pan out for me. back to hot days and humid nights for me here. I need to get out more.