i just made this one cuz i was bored and had time to fill before naruto was on. the main colors as you can see are blue, green, and aqua.
 i made this one for no apparrent reason. she looks kind of evil though doesnt she? twisted
 and here's another one i made. it has lots o' green. it's cute but i dont think i'll make it a dream avy or anything.
i entered all of these in the tektek avatar contest and i think i'll make more soon and enter them as well or maybe just enter some of my old ones.
 i made thie one as my newest dream avatar. heart i might enter it in the avatar contest but i'm not sure. (update: actually, i did decide to enter it in the contest and i really hope i win ^^)
     here's some more i think are cute that i just made for fun. maybe later i'll use them later as characters in a story or something.
 here's another one that has a lot of expensive items and you'd have to be a gaia bizzilion-aire to afford it.
  i dunno why i made these but the 1st one is kind of like a catgirl-warrior person thing and the 2nd one is like a fox-warrior-wolf-person or something XP.
 this is a guy avatar i made for some reason.
   the girl on the left kind of looks like someone's little sister... and the girl on the right kind of reminds me of someone's older sister..... and the boy in the middle and the girl on the left look sort of like twins..... hmm......
 this girl sort of looks like a street urchin.
 here's another that i made.
anyways i'll see ya later!
comment if you like. but if you burn i'll burn you right back. twisted smile biggrin (just kidding wink )
MiaIkumis#1Fan · Sun Jul 23, 2006 @ 03:26am · 1 Comments |